OLM students are top performers!
As of 2024, here at OLM 84% of students are at or above Reading Grade Level, and 75% are at or above Math Grade Level. This is measured through the STAR test as delivered by the Renaissance Testing program.
When compared to the greater Merced area, we are truly providing excellence! As of 2023 within the MCSD 45% of students are reading two or more years below grade level, and only 18% are reading at or above reading grade level. In mathematics, the situation is more dire where 48% are two or more years before grade level and only 8% are on or above grade level.
The comparison is striking, and we are so proud of our OLM family, OLM staff and faculty, and especially the students in constantly pursuing academic excellence.
When compared to the greater Merced area, we are truly providing excellence! As of 2023 within the MCSD 45% of students are reading two or more years below grade level, and only 18% are reading at or above reading grade level. In mathematics, the situation is more dire where 48% are two or more years before grade level and only 8% are on or above grade level.
The comparison is striking, and we are so proud of our OLM family, OLM staff and faculty, and especially the students in constantly pursuing academic excellence.
Academic Enrichment Opportunities
Academic DecathlonMerced County Speech FestivalMerced County Spelling Bee |
Merced County Science Fair (5th-8th Grades)Merced County Writing Festival |