Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, November 19 -Shoe Boxes- Please have students bring 2 toothbrushes and 2 small flosses if they have not done so already. Check notes to see what to get for faith families. -Thanksgiving Feast with Kindergarten 10AM Friday, November 21- Thanksgiving Prayer Service November 25- 29- NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Break This week in class: Phonics-Words w/ CVCe patterns Reading-Fiction Passages: "Ettabetta is Seven!"/ "Toc's Chicken Pox"- We will practice reading fluency, comprehension, using pictures and drawing conclusions. Non-fiction-Super Duper Magazine-"Signs"-focus on text features and main ideas. LA/ Writing- Writing an Informative Paragraph/ Review Math-Addition & Subtraction Word Problems/Addition fact fluency Religion- We are Thankful Social Studies- The First Thanksgiving Science-Leaf Investigation Memory words: said, only, you, out, of, here Spelling words: ride, game, side, same, said, only, you, out, of, here Vocabulary: clever, helpful, expect
Upcoming Events:
This week in class: Phonics- "-ed," "-ing," and "-er" sound at the ending of words. We will continue to review other digraphs/ ending sounds we have learned so far. Reading-Fiction Passages: "Dominic's Apple"/ "Yuck, Yuck!"- We will focus on reading fluency, comprehension, and cause and effect; Non-fiction-"On the Hunt for Lost Stuff"- main idea LA/ Writing- Writing a Description; Adjectives Math- Shapes; Continue Math Fact Fluency Social Studies- Veteran's Day Memory words: there, from, be, we, or, to Spelling words: there, from, be, we, or, to, flipped, flipping, stepped, stepping Vocabulary: wonder, curious, discover, imagine |
Mrs. TanzilloMy teacher Pinterest: https://pin.it/ai4PALL Archives
April 2020
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