Upcoming Events:
-Friday, March 6- 8:15 All School Mass/ Early Dismissal -Sunday, March 8- Parish School Mass 1PM -March 23-27- Parent Teacher Conferences/ Early Dismissal all week Book Fair: The spring book fair runs during the week of K-8 parent teacher conferences in March (3/23 - 3/27) The book fair schedule will be: Mon (3/23) - Thurs (3/26) 7:45- 4PM Friday (3/27) 7:45- 2PM Online shopping will be available the week before the book fair through the end of the physical books fair. https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bookfairs/cptoolkit/homepage.do?method=homepage&url=ourladyofmercyschool7 This week in class: Phonics- Words Ending in "-all" Reading-Fiction Passages: "Golly is on the Ball"/ "Play Ball"- We will practice reading fluency and comprehension and focus sequencing events in a story. Non-fiction- "How Your Body Works"-focus on main idea and details LA/ Writing- Descriptive Writing/ Using Precise Verbs and Adjectives Math- Measurement/ Fact Fluency- Please practice with your student outside of class as well to ensure mastery! Religion- Lent/ Adoration Social Studies- Maps and Globes Memory words: come, coming, they, our, put Spelling words: call, mall, small, stall, wall, baseball, basketball, hallway, fallen, taller Vocabulary: puzzled, collapse, steep, system Other notes: Instead of doing a reading log, we will be sending home comprehension pages. These may count towards nightly reading requirements. Please have students read the passage and answer in complete sentences. A book review will also take the place of a reading log this week. Children should choose 1 book for this assignment. Students should be reading 15 minutes per night. The reading alone helps improve your child's reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. Please make this a priority. Fact Fluency practice will be sent home on a weekly basis. In order to be fluent in their addition facts, students should be able to do 20 problems in a minute. We will continue to practice in class, but practice outside the classroom is equally valuable, and will help your child master their facts more quickly. Continue to review prior facts your students have mastered to ensure retention. Students will need to know addition and subtraction facts by the end of first grade.
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