Kindergarten Newsletter
9-18-17 Letter of the Week: Gg Sight Words: a, I, see, like, the, and, my Sweatshirts and Sweaters: Please label all sweatshirts and sweaters. No iron clothing labels are a great way to do this. You can write your child's name on them, they stick on (no ironing), and stay on in the washer and dryer. Martha Stewart makes a good one. I got some at Staples years ago for my children. Pumpkin Patch: Permission slips will be coming home soon. Chaperones must have completed the required safe environment training, cleared fingerprints, and turned in the forms for driving (see office for these). St. Vincent de Paul: Please pack a healthy sack lunch to give to the poor on Friday. We will decorate a bag on Thursday, you can fill it and bring it back on Friday morning. Items to include: PBJ sandwich, apple, granola bar, and a water. These are not refrigerated so don't include things that need to be refrigerated. Pet Photo: Due Monday 9/25/17. Please bring in a photo of your pet. We are making a poster for the Blessing of the Animals Mass. Dates to Remember: 9/24 Pancake Breakfast/ School Parish Mass 9am St. Pat's 10/4 Blessing of the Animals Mass 1:00 am 10/6 12:30 Dismissal 10/16 No School 10/17-20 Parent/Teacher Conferences/Book Fair/Early Dismissal 10/21 School Parish Mass 5pm St Pat's 10/23-27 Red Ribbon Week 10/28 Halloween Carnival 10/31 Halloween Costume Contest/Parade
Letter of the Week: O & C
Sight Words: I, a, the, see, like Box Tops & Labels for Education: Please clip the labels and bring them in to class. Every month the class that brought in the most box tops and labels will win one free dress day. Ask your friends and family to help you win! Printer Cartridges and Cell Phones: Did you know we recycle printer cartridges and old cell phones? The class that brings in the most cartridges/cell phones wins a pizza lunch at the end of the school year! Shop Smart for Schools: Merced Mall awards the top ten placing schools cash prizes. Help OLM win by taking your Merced Mall store receipts to the Mall Customer Service counter. Have them stamp, log and apply them toward OLM school. For more information go to Pumpkin Patch: Permission slips will be coming home soon. Chaperones must have completed the required safe environment training, cleared fingerprints, and turned in the forms for driving (see office for these). Reminders: Label all outerwear. Remind children to put their sweater or sweatshirt in their backpack when not in use. Pet Photo: Please bring in a photo of your pet for a class poster we will use in the next Mass October 7th. Snack Sale Student Council has a healthy snack sale every Friday. If you would like your child to purchase a snack please send their money in a labeled envelop or a ziplock baggie. You may send extra spending money for them and we will keep it for them to spend on juice sale days or snack sale days. Reminders: 9/24 Pancake Breakfast 7am -12pm at St. Pat's Parish Hall 9/24 School Mass at St. Pat's 9am |
Author: Mrs. GarganoHello. I am the Kindergarten teacher at OLM. I have been teaching for over 24 years and have been with Our Lady of Mercy school for about 12 years. While I have taught and enjoyed teaching many different grades, Kindergarten is my heart! Archives
June 2020
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