good morning. really enjoyed you sharing your funny faces and your pets. Let's keep that going!
Today: Religion: videos---5 facts for each video Reading: story: epic: Shep and quiz after reading story---some of you need to catch up on the quizzes for the other stories Science: epic: How Honey is Made Art: epic: How to draw dogs Epic: I can see who has watched any video I've posted and how many have gone onto the site---so some of you need to step up. When I see only 17 or 13 or 14 have watched a video or taken the quiz I get disappointed in those who are not stepping up. Please go back and do the assignments. don't forget Khan in math and grammar--you need to take the quizzes and tests Have a great weekend!! Catch up on missing work if needed
sorry guys---in case you've checked---getting late start
Science: chapter review--/c34,35 Math: Khan Grammar: Khan Reading: epic Religion: videos good morning!!!
get your assignments done in the following first: Google classroom Religion: videos/facts Soc St: think and review Science: read C26, 27 Q 1-5 send all through google classroom Khan math Khan grammar I have posted some things in epic for you to hopefully enjoy lce6991 There is a video in science to watch video to go with your reading on Harriet Tubman and a book on how to draw funny faces---have fun---share your funny faces on Thursday You can continue funny faces whenever you want I expect all students to have read science C22-C25 yesterday and today's reading. Be ready to discuss at the 1:00 zoom meeting today.
I also expect all to have finished Harriet Tubman and Barbed Wire Baseball Zoom: 1:00 ID: 423 988 8163 password: 088901 Religion: videos--google classroom Math: Khan/or IXL if finished with Khan Grammar: Khan/or IXL if finished with Khan Soc St: see google classroom Science: C24/25 read plus question on C25----see google classroom Please check the assignments I've sent back to you through google classroom---some have no attachments and you need to resend them for a grade.
Math: Khan--continue---try for 90%--do the quizzes and tests at end of unit Reading: Epic: I posted the website, password Some of you need to also read Harriet Tubman and take quiz--its worth 100 points Do the quiz after Barbed Wire Baseball after you read (100 points) Grammar: continue with Khan---again 90% Soc St: week 34----I only assigned certain sections---and videos within those sections Do NOT send in Think and Review until I ask for it Science: check google classroom for assignment Remember to check your emails---I unfortunately had to cancel the zoom meeting---but I rescheduled--I only had 5 students You still have time to get in your missing assignments---or resend the ones that didn't go through---you need to keep up with that so your grades are not affected. We are coming down home stretch!!! You have all adapted extremely well. Keep it up!!! I miss all of you and am looking forward to actually seeing you again. good morning!!!
Religion: see google classroom for 2 videos. Give 5 facts each video Math: Khan academy--continue Grammar: Khan academy--continue Reading: go into (olmlancers5) if you need it finish up any you didn't finish Wed. I posted a short book about Harriet Tubman---read it--AND take the quiz at the end I also posted a video on butterflies--watch it/enjoy Zoom Meeting: cancelled sorry something came up good morning:
today: continue with math continue with grammar think and review is due in social studies check google classroom for: religion science good morning:
I know it is a lot of math--but everyone works at a different rate---so those that take longer--just keep moving forward from where you are---I'm trying to post things for students who whip right through assignments--remember--you are trying for 90%--I would rather you go slow and understand what you are doing rather than just pretending so you can get through the assignment---It's all stuff you need for next year Today: google classroom Relgion Math Grammar Social Studies Science Research---it should be at least 2 pages typed---send in along with your bibliography good morning:
check google classroom for the following: Religion Math: Khan---I see some of you say you are done----I'm going to challenge you to 100%--if not or below 90% go back and do again Grammar: Khan academy--nouns----again---make sure you are not just "getting it done"--you need to understand it, listen to videos, and go for 90% Soc. St Science |