****Days to Remember****
Friday, August 28th-free dress for $1.00 Monday, September 2nd-LABOR DAY, No School. This week in class: Reading- we begin our Superkids reader. Chapter 1, we will read 5 stories each day from the chapter. Objective: fluency, comprehension; understanding vocabulary; practice observing punctuation; understanding characters; and connecting events. Language Arts- students will learn about the Sh and Ch sound; review verbs, nouns, and adjectives; tch-words; possessive nouns; and pronouns. Objective: learn singular and plural nouns; use of reflexive pronoun; understand and use pronouns; decode and encode Sh and Ch words; and to recognize -tch spelling patterns. Writing- we will write a friendly letter. We will also learn about Acrostic poetry and write our own acrostic poems. Objective: learn the propose of a friendly letter; and to identity part of a letter. Math- we will be reviewing for our test on Wednesday, August 28th. On Thursday, we will begin Chapter 2, Addition up to 1,000. Objective: TEST-to find if skills have been mastered. Chapter 2-use mental math to add and subtract within 20; know basic addition and subtraction math facts. Social Studies- Our weekly will focus on Being a Good Citizen, and our US Constitution. Objective- students will learn characteristics of being a good citizen; the purpose of our Constitution and what are rights are as Americans. Science- we will complete our chapter, Plants Grow and Change. Students will take an open book test on Friday. Objective- to learn parts of a plant; how plants grow and change; what living things need to grow. Religion- Our Church Show Us How to Live. We will discuss hero's in our world today. Learn about Mary and other Saints and how they acted in good and holy ways. spelling words me my she her he his we our they their you your
Welcome to the second week of the second grade! The first week went well, I am excited for our school year and to have the opportunity to teach this wonderful group of children. Many of you have already turned in all the paperwork that went home last week. If you have not done that yet please do so as soon as possible-thank you! This week your child will be coming home with Math, and Reading homework. In regards to the Reading homework, make sure your child does the right portion for each day. For example, today your child will only do the Monday section, tomorrow they will complete Tuesday's work, etc.. Hot lunch began today. If your child wants hot lunch or milk tickets they can be purchased in Room 7, Monday-Friday from 7:30a.m.-8:30a.m.
Please remember that Friday, August 23rd is a minimum day, 12:30 dismissal. ****This week in class**** Reading-we will complete our warm-up unit of Superkids, "Goodbye Summer." We will focus on comprehension and fluency. Discuss what a fiction story is; story structure; cause and effect; and discuss informational texts. Writing- learn to add detail to writing to make more interesting; using the word "and" to combine similar sentences. Paragraph writing-children will write a narrative about something they did or something that happened to them over the summer. Students will write an informational paragraph, something that they know how to do (playing a sport, instrument, etc..). Phonics- we will continue to work on long and short vowel sounds; review parts of speech, nouns and verbs; introduce adjectives; review correct punctuation. Math- complete chapter 1, Place Value. There will be a test next week, Wednesday, August 28th. Your child will come home with a study guide, please use the study guide to help your child prepare for the test. Science-students will continue on with chapter1, Plants Grow and Change. Social Studies- our California Studies Weekly is about Being Responsible. Children will learn about rules and responsibilities; consequences to good and bad actions. Religion-learn about the Sacrament of Baptism. Hello Parents,
Welcome to another school year! I am excited to for this new academic year. Today your child will come home with a packet of information from me and from our school office. Please make sure to review all the information, fill out the required paperwork, and return as soon as possible. In regards to homework..this week your child will only have math homework. Next week, your child will come home with math & reading. Then, beginning the third week your child will have math, reading, and spelling for homework. All three subjects will be given for homework each week for the entire school year, unless noted. Details regarding the homework process will be going home today, if you attended the ice cream social last week then you received that information. The letter from the ice cream social will be attached to the packet coming home today. If you have any questions throughout the year I am on campus from 7:30a.m.-3:30p.m., you may contact me through the front office, you may email me at [email protected], or you can write me a note in your child's planner (I check the planner daily). Please remember on Mass days your child should be wearing their formal uniform. NO SHORTS. There will be Mass twice this week: Monday, August 12th @ 8:15a.m. Thursday, August 15th @ 8:15a.m. This week in class: Reading- our Superkids reading program begins 2nd grade with a 2 week warm up unit, "Superkids, Goodbye, Summer!" We will be reading short stories, and focusing on understanding characters, setting, and plot; comprehension; and fluency. Phonics- review short and long vowel sounds; understanding 2 parts of a sentence; and identifying and writing declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences. Math- as most of you know our math program is Math in Focus. Chapter 1, "Counting." This chapter focuses on counting and comparing numbers; using 10 base blocks to read, write, and recognize numbers to 1,000; and place value. Social Studies- our California Weekly 2nd grade curriculum begins with learning about the Pledge of Allegiance; being an honest citizen; and the importance of our flag and how to take care of it. Science- chapter 1, "Plants Grow & Change." Focusing on living and nonliving things; parts of a plant; the process of plant growth, and what a plant needs to survive. Religion- we will discuss what it means to be a Child of God; and the Ten Commandments. |