This week in class:
Reading-chapter 3 in Superkids. We will compare and contrast charcters; learn to read with appropriate stress; observe dialogue; and observe punctuation. Phonics- word families with -ild, -ind, -old, and -ost; decode long i and o words; understanding compound words; and we will learn to write 'how to instructions'. Math- we will continue to learn 2's, 5's, and 10's times tables. Social Studies-our weekly is Celebrate America. We will discuss American symbols and important Americans. Science-we continue to learn about Changes in Matter. Religion-chapter 9, we will discuss the creation of the world and we will talk about the meaning of advent. old told cold hold sold most post child wild kind find mind
Welcome Back!! I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving holiday.
This is a big week for our second graders. They will be receiving the Sacrament of First Penance. The children are excited, nervous, and ready to receive this amazing Sacrament. ***Tuesday, November 27th at 6pm, St. Patrick's church. Please be there by 5:45pm so the service can start promptly. This is not a mass...the Penance service will last about 45 minutes at the most. Your child should wear church clothes. Family and friends are invited to share in this blessed event. Reading-Chapter 14, Superkids. We will focus on reading dialogue in a play, reading with natural phrasing and expression, and reading stage directions in a play. Phonics-decoding and encoding -ight, -aught, and -ought words; associate ph with f and gh with f. Read and discuss grade level texts, discuss cause and effect, and learn about figurative language. Math- continue learning our 2's. 5's and 10's times tables/ Social Studies- this week our weekly is about Patriots. We will talk about American Hero's. Science-begin our chapter on Changes in Matter. Religion-we will focus on Penance. sigh high sight bright fright night slight caught taught bought brought thought 11/12-11/16 ***Important Days*** Monday, November 12th-NO SCHOOL Tuesday, November 13th-CHERISH. If you volunteered to drive to Cherish I wrote a reminder in your child's planner on Thursday, 11/8. We will be leaving campus at 10am and we will be back at school by 10:30am. Wednesday, November 14th-THANKSGIVING PROGRAM, 6:30 pm at OLM. Our class will be preforming a song and dance. Dress code is church clothes, denim is fine. Friday, November 16th-Thanksgiving Prayer Service at 8:15am. In class this week- Reading: Superkids, chapter 13. We will be practicing reading dialogue with expression and tone. We will also review how to use evidence from the text to answer comprehension questions. Phonics: decoding and encoding kn/n and wr/r words and we will learn un- and re- prefixes. Writing an explanatory how-to-text. Math: Chapter 6 Multiplication 2's, 5,s , and 10's. Social Studies: California Weekly, Earth. This weekly focuses on our planet and landforms. Science: continue learning about Matter. Religion: preparing for Reconciliation. know knew knee knock knife knot write wrote wreck wrap wrong wrinkle 11/5-11/9
Parents, Apparently my blog did not post last week. I did post a blog and it showed as posted when I checked it but something went wrong (again). I apologize for the inconvenience. FYI-in the future if my blog is not updated and your child did not write the spelling words in his or her planner, the backpack pages that are assigned for spelling homework have the spelling words (that's why I assign it for spelling homework). That being said, first thing Monday morning your child should write their spelling words in their planner. If they are absent that day it is their responsibility to get the spelling words from a classmate or from me when they return to class. This week is an important week for's Accreditation time! The Accreditation team will be on campus on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Also, on Thursday we will have our annual Veterans Celebration it will begin at 8:30am. If you know a Veteran please bring them to our event, we would love to honor them. ***Thursday, November 8th -2:30 dismissal*** ***Friday, November 9th-NO SCHOOl*** ***Monday, November 12-NO SCHOOL*** This week in class.. Reading-chapter 11, Superkids; observe dialogue punctuation, practice reading accurately, and practice reading with expression. Phonics-decode and encode soft g and soft c words, review synonyms and antonyms, associate c words that sound like s and g words that sound like j. In writing we will finish writing our fiction narrative. Math-finish our chapter and take a test. Your child will go home with a study guide on Monday and the test will be on Wednesday. On Thursday we will begin Chapter 6, Multiplication 2's, 5's, and 10's. Social Studies-our weekly is "Land Use in California." We will discuss climate, communities, and California. Science-last week we began our chapter on "Matter." We will continue to learn about solids, liquids, and gas. Religion- continue to prepare for First Penance. spelling city circle nice space huge giant gentle pencil excited age page large |