We are winding down the school year-just 2 weeks left!! I am proud of all my second graders and all their hard work they have put in during these several weeks. Please continue to pray and keep your faith in God's mercy.
Superkids: Chapter 32. Read and discuss, “Looking For Golly,” pages 166-167. Word workbook pages 92-93 Spelling: 3x’s each Grammar: Google Classroom Lovely Little Letters Math: Google Classroom. Elapsed Time Social Studies: California Studies Weekly-week 33, Life Long Ago Science: Chapter, The Sun, the Moon, and Stars. Read and discuss pages E2-E9. Answer, Think About It, page E9
**********Update************ The first zoom meeting email link had the wrong date. I have sent out a second email invite with the correct link for our Thursday, 5/7 meeting at 9:30am. Monday, 5/4 Superkids: Chapter 31. Read & discuss, “Golly on the Road,” pages 156-157 Word workbook pages 86-87 IXL-Reading Strategies T. Cause & Effect #’s 1 & 2 Spelling: 3x’s each Grammar: Google classroom-Silly Sentences Math: Google classroom-A.M. P.M-Sorting Social Studies: California Studies Weekly-Week 32, Money & Markets Science: Epic! Read, “Vibrations Make Sound" Take quiz Religion: Catholic Brain-Adventures in Catechism What is the Bible? Take quiz Tuesday, 5/5 Superkids: Read & discuss, “Field Day,” pages 158-159 Word workbook page 88 Spelling: ABC order Grammar: Google classroom-Silly Sentences Part 2 Math: Zoom meeting @ 9:30 Think Central-review pages 154-157 Do “Let’s Practice,” pages 159-160 #’s 1-14 Social Studies: Google classroom-Producers and Consumers Science: Google classroom-Listen for Sound Religion: Catholic Brain-Adventures in Catechism What Are The Ten Commandments? Take quiz Wednesday, 5/6 Superkids: Read and discuss, “Confusing Ms. Blossom,” pages 160-161 Word workbook page 89 Spelling: Sentences Grammar: Google classroom-Classy Capitals Math: Workbook, Practice 4-Elapsed Time, pages 113-120 Social Studies: IXL Social Studies, F. Economics, #1 Science: Google classroom-SoundWord Search Thursday, 5/7 Superkids: Zoom meeting @ 9:30am Read and discuss, “Showers,” pages 162-163 Word workbook page 90 Spelling: Google classroom-Backpack page 63 Grammar: Google classroom-Classy Capitals Part 2 Math: Workbook, Put Your Thinking Cap On, pages 121-122, Social Studies: IXL Social Studies, F. Economics # 2 Science: Chapter Review, page C100, #’s 1-6 Friday, 5/8 Superkids: Read and discuss, “Oh, No!” pages 164-165 Word workbook page 91 Spelling: Google classroom-Backpack page 64 Grammar: IXL Language Arts, FF. Compound Words, #’s 1, 2, & 3 Math: Google Classroom-Telling Time Color IXL Q. Time #’s 9 & 10 Social Studies: Take Test Science: Google Classroom-Sound Test Superkids: Read and discuss, “Babies,” pages 154-155
Word workbook page 85 Spelling: Backpack page 60 Math: Google classroom Telling Time to the Minute Social Studies: Google classroom Scarcity-Cause&Effect California Studies Weekly-take test Science: Read and discuss pages C94-C97 Answer, Think About It, page C97 Religion: Catholic Brain Click on videos-then click Adventure Catechism Watch Lesson 5-What is the Catholic Church? Take Quiz Zoom meeting today, 4/28 @ 9:30am
We will be working in our math workbooks. Meeting ID: 728 2585 8296 Password: 8nTLLf Superkids: Read and discuss, “Click on Send,” pages 150-153 Word workbook page page 84 Grammar: Google classroom Adverb Avenue-sentences Spelling: Google classroom Backpack page 59 Math- Zoom meeting @ 9:30 Workbook, Practice 3, pages 109-112 IXL Q. TIME #’s 6&7 Social Studies: Google classroom ( 2 assignments) Wants vs. Needs Answer the question Science: Read and discuss, pages C88-C93 Answer, Think About It, page C93 Religion: Catholic Brain Click on videos-then click Adventure Catechism Watch Lesson 4-Who is the Holy Spirit? Take Quiz Superkids: Read and discuss, “The Big Contest,” pages 148-149.
Word workbook page 83 Spelling: Sentences Grammar: Google Classroom Adverb Avenue Math: Think Central. Lesson 3, pages 146-150 Assignment, “Let’s Practice,” pages 151-153 #’s 1-8 IXL Q. TIME #’s 4&5 Social Studies: Google classroom Scarcity: writing prompt Science: Read and discuss, pages C84-C87 Answer Think About It, page C87 Religion: Catholic Brain Click on Videos-then click Adventure Catechism Watch Lesson 3-Who is Mary? Take Quiz Superkids: Read and discuss, “Magic,” pages 146-14
Word workbook page 82 Spelling: ABC order Grammar: Google classroom Active Adjective-word search Math: Zoom meeting @ 9:30am Workbook, Practice 2, pages 103-108 Google Classroom-Quizizz Telling Time Social Studies: Google classroom Spending Money Science: New Chapter, Sound. Read and discuss, pages C76-C83 Answer, Think About It, page C83 Religion: Catholic Brain Click on Videos-then click Adventure Catechism Watch Lesson 2-Who is Jesus? Take Quiz It is important that your child is staying active in all of the assigned online resources. I am monitoring students activity on these programs. Please try to stay current on weekly assignments. I appreciate all your effort and support!
Superkids: Chapter 30. Read and discuss, "Testing Begins," pages 144-145 Word workbook pages 80-81 Grammar: Google Classroom-Language Arts Active Adjectives Spelling: 3x's each Math: Think Central, review pages 141-144 Assignment-'Let's Practice," pages 144-145 #'s1-15 IXL Q. TIME #'s 1,2,&3 Social Studies: California Studies Weekly-week31, Family & Trade Science: Epic! Read, "Give it a Push! Give it a Pull!! A Look at Forces" Textbook-Chapter Review, page C74 #'s 1-6 Religion: Catholic Brain Click Video, then click Adventure in Catechism Watch Lesson 1, Who Made the World? Take Quiz Thursday
Superkids: Read & discuss, "Find A Way," pages 140. Word workbook page78. Math: Zoom meeting at 9:30am. Please have Lesson 1, Extra Practice printed out from google classroom. Grammar: Google classroom-Language Arts Very Nerdy Verbs! Social Studies: Writing Prompt: Which resource do you think is more important: Natural, Capital, or Human? Why? Science: Google classroom Force & Motion worksheet IXL, G. Force & Motion #1 Religion: BLESSED, session 6-God's Family. Video 5, From the Bible, I Will Always Be With You. There is a zoom meeting tomorrow at 9:30am. INVITES ARE SENT TO PARENT EMAILS. Also, Zoom meeting begin promptly at 9:30am. I suggest logging in 5 minutes early. Once I begin teaching it is distracting to myself and the students to accept requests to enter the meeting late. I am looking into recording the meetings to post in google classroom later for those of you who miss the zoom lesson.
Meeting ID: 796 4899 4289 Password: 2GiHvR Wednesday Superkids: Read & discuss, "Mud," pages 138-139. Word workbook page 77 Grammar: IXL, RR. Verbs, #'s 1-3 Spelling: spelling sentences Reading: Epic! Read, "Imani's Moon." Math: Workbook, Practice 1-pages 99-102. Social Studies: Google classroom Natural, Capital, Human Resource worksheet Science: Read and discuss, "How Can We Measure Motion," pages C66-C71. Define motion, and answer questions on page 71 Think About It. Religion: BLESSED, session 6-God's Family. Watch video 3, Go Make A Difference & video 4, The Power Of Prayer. ***Update***
Zoom invites have always & will continue to be sent to parents email accounts! Please look for the invites in your email inbox!! Students DO NOT receive zoom invite! ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Zoom meeting today at 9:30am. Tuesday Superkids: Read & discuss, "Sharks To The Rescue," pages 136-137. Work workbook, page 76 Grammar: Google classroom-Language Arts folder Contraction action-sentences Spelling: ABC order Math: Zoom meeting at 9:30am Please have the worksheet printed out from google classroom. Social Studies: On a piece of binder paper, define resource. Then name three examples of three different types of resource. Science: New Chapter, Forces and Motion. Read and discuss, 'What Are Forces?" pages C56-C65. Answer questions, on page 65, Think About It. Religion: BLESSED, session 6-God's Family. Watch, video 1, Made for Mission & video 2-Your Parish Family. |