8th Graders - Next Monday there is no school because our nation has chosen to remember Matin Luther King Jr. for dedicating his life to a project that has greatly determined what we stand for as a country. How will you be remembered?
Calendar: Monday, January 14: Tuesday, January 15: Wednesday, January 16: 5:30 El Cap Course Fair Night Thursday, January 17: Friday, January 18: 2:45 Junior high Dance Monday, January 21: To Honor Martin Luther King Jr. - No School 8th Homework : for shared documents: [email protected] ? of the Day: 1/17: Remember to give your parents the mass flyer and to work on your science fair project this weekend. All due Friday the 25th! 1/14: When wondering who would be considered a "founding father" of our nation we can look to the signers of our Constitution. LIST the signers of the U.S. Constitution. You could have chosen any of these for art. Religion: 1/17: Check motto; bible search and connections due Tuesday US History: 1/17: Read and answer questions p.5 1/16: Read pages 244-247 summarize and include important facts of the 7 principles of the Constitution 1/15: Constitution text p. 4 read and answer all questions 1/14: Read pgs 242-243 and summarize each area with bullets Physical Science: 1/17: Continue to work on science project report; report and board due 1/25 Algebra: 1/17: p.100-101 Mixed review - All 1/16: p.98 WE #46-60 even 1/15: p.97-98 WE # 26-44 even 1/14: p.97 WE #2-24 even 7th Homework: 7 Life Science: 1/17: Science Fair Report and Board due Friday 1/25 1/16: p. 90 Complete 5 part Prokaryotic cell diagram with labels 7 World History: 1/17: Ch 2 Worksheet 1/16: Complete note sheet of main ideas by page # for open book worksheet tomorrow 1/14: copy Venn Diagram p.62 and know it
July 2020