8th Grade:
Happy 90th Anniversary Week! Thank you all for helping us make it a fun celebration this coming weekend. Carefully read the calendar and share it with your parents. Raffle tickets for lunch with Mercy will be sold until Wednesday. The money will be donated to the SPCA. OLM campus has many rescue animals including Mercy and Bea, a perfect place for lost creatures to find love and care. Let's support those that can't find there way here:)! Calendar: Thursday, August 31: OLM Spirit free dress - OLM colors, logos, etc. - it's for the anniversary Friday, September 1: St. Vincent Lunches, 8:15 Mass in full uniform for Mother Mary's Birthday, 12:30 Dismissal Saturday, September 2: 6:00 pm Anniversary Dinner, 8G servers wear OLM uniform, shorts OK for boys Sunday, September 3: 8:00 arrive to set up carnival, 10:00 mass - 8th Grade: 2nd Reading; Open House & Carnival 11:30-1:30 we ALL clean and up we'll be done by 2:30 latest, Lunch 11:30-2:00 Grade 8 Homework REMINDER: 8/30: Write 2nd reading for mass from memory in your Faith Journal; RETURN ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND FLYER: Parents shift choice for OPEN HOUSE Religion: 8/31: Say aloud 2nd reading for mass from memory twice; Essay (see rubric) final with picture: Friday; September D Street donation U.S. History 8/30: U.S. Map due Thursday (see rubric) Physical Science Algebra: 8/30: p.17# 37-41 8/28: p.12 #21-33 all - show ALL work and check answers Grade 7 Homework Life Science: 8/31: Study aide for Lab Apparatus Test: folded binder paper or notecards with drawn apparatus on one side and name on the other due Friday 8/30: Study aide for Lab Apparatus Test: folded binder paper or notecards with drawn apparatus on one side and name on the other due Friday World History: 0 Comments <<Previous
July 2020