8th Graders Welcome to our second week and let's continue to make it a joyful year with great attitude and effort! Calendar Monday, 8/19: Hot lunch begins, homework help begins Mon and Wed in rm 14, Mon. through Thurs. rm 11 or 12; Volleyball, soccer tryouts Mon-Thurs Tuesday, 8/20: 7:15am Student Council rm 5 Wednesday, 8/21: Thursday, 8/22: Friday, 8/23: 12:30 Dismissal - Teachers in-service Sunday, 8/25: 9:00 all school Mass at St. Patrick's Church followed by Parish Share Fair Reminders: Signed parent handbook contract page due ASAP. 8th Grade Homework ? of the Day 8/22: Have you given your parents the Open House Flyer and the one you received today for Sunday's Mass? 8/21: Do you know Mother Teresa's Life philosophy? Read it at the bottom of today's BLOG and copy it in your Faith Journal. Notice character traits. 8/20: 8th graders are asked to be leaders. We have discussed how leaders are role models. Think about your role models. What character traits do they have that make them a good role model? Write down character traits of good role models for class discussion to be turned in tomorrow. Religion 8/22: Sunday Reading questions and 2 Connections (1: the way the 3 readings talk about the same thing; 2 how this pertains to your life) in Faith Journal due Monday. U.S. History 8/22: 6 Regions of the U.S. outlined in 6 colors on your map and a coded key for this information on the right hand side. 2 natural resource icons for each region drawn in the correct locations on that region and on the Natural Resource Key on the right hand side of your map. Due Monday 8/19: Finish classwork coloring and labeling states, study for States and capitals test tomorrow,8/20. Physical Science 8/22: Test 1 hypothesis of the notecard question; be able to write a detailed explanation of your test. Contact information for interview due Friday. 8/21: Tuesday/Wednesday Lab Group: Brainstorm today's Science class question. Science career project - 6 questions (of your choice) from the rubric answered by internet research due Thursday, see project timeline. Contact information for interview due Friday. Algebra 7th Grade Homework Life Science: 8/22: Diagram on copy/plain paper Figure 3, p.131 - include all visuals and written information. Title the work: Pollination 8/19: Bring plant on Monday for Botanical print if not in garden. 7 Steps to the Scientific Method 1. Observe using your 5 senses. 2. Ask a question about what you have observed. 3. Form a Hypothesis, an educated guess, about the answer to the question. 4. Test the hypothesis with an experiment and collect data. 5. Analyze the results of the experiment. 6. Draw a conclusion comparing your results to your hypothesis. 7. Publish your findings to share with the world World History 8/19: Study the 7 continents and 4 oceans - test tomorrow, Tues. 8/20 Mother Teresa's Philosophy “People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. You see in the final analysis it is between you and God. It never was between you and them anyway.” -Mother Teresa 8th Graders
Welcome to your final year at Our Lady of Mercy School! This is your year to lead and what a perfect year as we enter a new decade! It is your turn to help shape OLM school, so let's make it a joyful year and begin with great attitude and effort! Calendar Monday, 8/12: Welcome back, 8:30 all school mass - full uniform, 12:30 Dismissal, No Extended Care Tuesday, 8/13: Wednesday, 8/14: 6pm Sports meeting in the Auditorium Thursday, 8/15: 8:15 Mass - Feast of the Assumption Friday, 8/16: Bring St. Vincent Lunches; Junior High Dance is Postponed until a cooler day!! Reminders: No Hot Lunch this week. No after school homework help this week. Signed student handbook contract page due Friday. 8th Grade Homework ? of the Day 8/15: Have you packed your St. Vincent Lunch? Please include a kind note - you can decorate it if you want to - in the bag. Did you see the reminder in red above? 8/14: What is the Feast of the Assumption? Research it. Write it on binder paper to be put in your Faith Journal. 8/13: Did you get your planner signed? Are you thinking and asking your parents about career ideas? Do you know what you need to bring on Friday? - (look at the calendar) Nothing in writing at this time other than parent's signatures (at night) after they've checked the BLOG and viewed your work. 8/12: What does this statement mean to you? "My thoughts shape my life." Please write a response in your Faith Journal as explained in class. Have you given your parents the family envelope and any other flyers from school? Religion 8/14: Response to Morning Prayer about our classroom community. 8/13: Ask parents about faith U.S. History 8/15: Worksheet - Fill in capitals after studying, correct, try again until all correct. Line out errors - DO NOT ERSASE OR WHITEOUT - I want to see work in progress! States and capitals test 8/20. 8/14: Number U.S. Regions map from class in alphabetical order of the states. Label the Regions on the map. On binder paper list each region with the number of states in it and then list the states in that region as shown and begun in class. Due Thursday. States and capitals test 8/20. 8/13: Write the 5w's paragraph about your 8th grade year expectations. In this paragraph address each W and connect it to the others to create a well written answer about your expectations. Due Wed. Physical Science 8/15: Turn in your science career choice and why you chose that career. 8/14: Begin looking at careers and making a choice of what you want to research. Write your choice and why you chose it by Friday, 8/16 - see project timeline. Algebra 7th Grade Homework Life Science: 8/15: Study your 7 steps to the Scientific Method. Quiz Friday. Read and complete brief Cornell Notes focused on the 6 Scientific Kingdoms as explained in class on Ch.10, S2. Choose plant for botanical print. Write your choice and Latin name and turn in tomorrow. If it is not one at our school, remember to bring it on Monday. 8/14: Write the scientific method on binder paper, then study and memorize the bold words, write the 7 steps 3 more times on folded paper. Check your answers after completing all the steps and correct with red pen. Quiz Friday. Choose plant for botanical print by Friday. Write your choice and Latin name. If it is not one at our school, remember to bring it on Monday. 8/13: Copy this scientific method on binder paper, then study and memorize the bold words, write the 7 steps without looking on the back of the paper. Check your answers after completing all the steps and correct with red pen. Quiz Friday. 7 Steps to the Scientific Method 1. Observe using your 5 senses. 2. Ask a question about what you have observed. 3. Form a Hypothesis, an educated guess, about the answer to the question. 4. Test the hypothesis with an experiment and collect data. 5. Analyze the results of the experiment. 6. Draw a conclusion comparing your results to your hypothesis. 7. Publish your findings to share with the world World History 8/15: Remember the 7 continents and 4 oceans - quiz Tues. 8/20
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July 2020