8th Graders - Beautiful Christmas Program! Wonderfully respectful attendance at Deacon Joe's funeral today and great loving service with a smile at the reception! I think you've embraced the Advent ideal - being Jesus's hands and feet to the world around us! Thank you and God Bless You!
Calendar: Friday, December 21: Free Red an Green Dress - 8:15 8th grade Advent reflection, Christmas Plays, Christmas Party NO SCHOOL - December 24 - January 6th: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 8th Homework : for shared documents: [email protected] ? of the Day: 12/20: Have you collected your family envelope and play scripts for return? Please remember to bring your letter if you took it home!! Religion: 12/20: Bible search and connection U.S. History: 12/17: Read Ch 5 S 2: use graphic organizer to note American identity at that time Physical Science: 12/20: Science Logs due Monday January 7th with Steps 1-6 of the Scientific Method accomplished. If help is needed with graphing results you can use the science buddies web site or google to guide you. We will then work on writing your abstract, report, and creating your display board. Algebra: 7th Homework: 7 Life Science: 12/20: Science Logs due Monday January 7th with Steps 1-6 of the Scientific Method accomplished. If help is needed with graphing results you can use the science buddies web site or google to guide you. We will then work on writing your abstract, report, and creating your display board. 7 World History:
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July 2020