8th Grade:
Let us ask for guidance to follow the Beatitudes so that we may be counted among those who live a Christian, follower of Jesus Christ, life! Calendar: Wednesday, February 8: 6-7:30 International Night - all 8th graders participate with working 1 or more shifts - bring your families Reminders: EVERYONE is REQUIRED to bring 5-600 NOTECARDS for your use this 2nd semester - thank you: Jack, Roxy, Parker, Kylie, Marissa, Daisy, Tricia ? of the Day: 2/9: As I understand you have many assignments could you please write a short but meaningful note to include in our D Street Meal tomorrow - don't forget your $ - thank you! 2/6:What does it mean, "You are the salt of the earth?" Write 3 ways that you add flavor to people's lives and preserve good things. HOMEWORK 8 Religion: 2/9: D Street note 8 U.S. History: 2/9: Reread the Seven Chinese Brothers for your writing project tomorrow. 8 Physical Science: 2/9: Complete your Ch 3 Cornell Notes for tomorrow and bring Ch 4 S 1,2,3 CN to class 8 Algebra: Keeler: Mrs. Tyler's Assignments: Mrs. Tyler's BLOG Mrs. Lorenzi's Assignment: Mrs. Lorenzi's BLOG Mrs. Wennberg's Assignments: Mrs. Wennberg's BLOG 7 Life Science: 7 World History: 0 Comments
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July 2020