8th Grade: We researched saints who are role models for us. By the right of our creation that gives us the right to life, liberty, and the right to pursue happiness according to the founders of our nation, we must ask ourselves what kind of role models are we to others in our lives? Are you being the best you can be in all aspects of your life? If not, why? What can you do differently? That's what the saints asked themselves and that's what we must ask ourselves! Calendar: Thursday, November 10: 8:30 Veterans Honored at OLM School, 8th make D Street Meal Friday, November 11: NO SCHOOL - Veterans' Day Reminders: 11/8: Roxy, Eric and Laura present saints tomorrow! ? of the Day: 11/8: D Street $ Due. Do your parents know that you will be taking the Constitution TEST next Wednesday: 11/16 - 1 week from tomorrow? Please have them sign your planner that they have read this: Dear 8th Grade Parents Your child will be taking the Constitution TEST - 1 week from tomorrow, Wednesday, November 16th. They should be studying their constitution notecards and facts EVERY night! I have not given them other homework that they would normally have so they can prepare for this test. PLEASE have them review each night. You can monitor their progress by checking their quiz scores each day on optionc. Thank you for your help and encouragement! 11/7: Have you talked to your family about an ancestor "marked by the sign of faith" for our board for tomorrow? PLEASE turn in your November D Street $ - meal prep will be on Thursday. HOMEWORK 8 Religion: 11/7: Ancestors names for our "saint" board. 8 US History: 11/8: Read and answer questions p. 42 Constitution Study all your notes and notecards - TEST NEXT WEDNESDAY *continue to play the matching game with your article and amendment cards - so you know them 8 Physical Science: 8 Algebra: Keeler: 11/8: finish from class p.109-110 #2-30 even Mrs. Tyler's Assignments: Mrs. Tyler's BLOG Mrs. Lorenzi's Assignment: Mrs. Lorenzi's BLOG Mrs. Wennberg's Assignments: Mrs. Wennberg's BLOG 7 Life Science:11/8: Worksheet and 1 healthy food label due Thursday 11/7: Bring 3 Nutrition Labels of foods YOU eat. 7 World History: 11/8: Read p.64-65 and copy A-E - Legislative Branch Notecards - 2 for each Legislative Branch * established in Article 1 * main duty: make laws * Congress: Senate & House of Representatives * meet: Capitol Building, Washington, D.C. Legislative Branch: joint duties * raise, borrow, and coin money * defense powers * control immigration * grant copyrights and patents *control commerce *govern Washington, D.C. * investigate the executive branch Legislative Branch: forbidden powers * no ex post facto laws * may no suspend habeas corpus, * no tax on exports * no title of nobility * no bill of attainder * no mid term pay raises Senate: members, term, salary * 100 Senators: 2 per state * 6 year term (1/3 reelected every 2 years) * $174,000 Senate: officers * President of Senate: Vice President of the United States * President pro tempore * majority leader * minority leader Senate: qualifications * 30 years old * citizen of the United States for 9 years * live in the state you represent Senate: duties (4) * pass bills * act as jury in impeachment proceedings * approve presidential appointments * approve treaties House of Representatives: * 435: % of state population members, term, salary * 2 year term (1/3 reelected every 2 years) * $174,000 House of Representatives: * Speaker of the House officers * majority leader * minority leader House of Representatives: * 25 years old qualifications * citizen of the United States for 7 years * live in the district you represent House of Representatives: * pass bills duties * act prosecutor in impeachment cases * select president when no majority in the Electoral College * start all revenue bills
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