8th Grade:
October is a month we dedicate to Mother Mary and to honor her we pray the Rosary. As we walk through this month let us look to her as a role model for our lives and the ways we can be the face of God to others. October Calendar: Pink Theme to Fight Cancer Friday, October 6: 8th brings St. Vincent Lunches, 11:00 Blessing of the Animals Mass - parents bring animals; 12:00 Dismissal Grade 8 Homework Religion: 9/29: ON MONDAY bring in all 5 sources for saint research. Be sure to have read and highlight all that are on paper whether from the internet or book. 9/28: Bring in all 5 sources for saint research. Be sure to have read and highlight all that are on paper whether from the internet or book. 9/27: Bring in 4th source for saint research. If source is from the internet, be sure to read and highlight it. 9/26: Bring in 3rd source for saint research. If source is from the internet, be sure to read and highlight it. 9/25: Bring in 2nd source for saint research. If source is from the internet, be sure to read and highlight it. U.S. History 9/28: Bring binder for grading tomorrow. 9/27: Complete the last half of study guide (below 7 G homework) from memory after studying outline and notes. Bring study guide notes and binder for grading tomorrow. Use list from optionc assignments to organize notes. REMEMBER THE BOTTOM ASSIGNMENT IS THE 1ST ONE IN YOUR BINDER. 9/26: Complete at least 1st half of study guide (below 7 G homework) from memory after studying outline and notes. 9/25: Highlight outline for Ch1 and study Geography notes for test Thursday; organize binder for binder check Physical Science 9/29: MONDAY Science Presentations 9/25: Complete calculations worksheet; brainstorm model car design with paper, glue and 16cm of wire; prepare Science Presentations Algebra: 9/26: p.58 Mixed Review all 9/25: p. 55-56 # 2-28 even not #12 Grade 7 Homework Life Science: 9/29: Bring any organisms that are needed to complete your food web 9/25: Assigned 9/22: choose 15 organisms: 3 producers, 3 herbivores, 3 carnivores, 3 omnivores, 3 decomposers from your chosen habitat. Find a picture of each, write it's name and the type of organism. World History: 9/27: Test prep: Complete the rest of the study guide tonight from memory after studying outline and notes. Be sure you can fill out continents and oceans on map. If needed create notecards and play matching game. ORGANIZE BINDER BY USING THE ASSIGNMENTS ON OPTIONC - the bottom of the list will be the first in your binder. TEST THURSDAY. 9/26: Test prep: Complete at least 1/2 study guide tonight from memory after studying outline and notes. Tonight or tomorrow night be sure you can fill out continents and oceans on map. If needed create notecards and play matching game. ORGANIZE BINDER. TEST THURSDAY. 9/25: Study Ch1 geography notes for study guide prep; organize binder for binder check; test Thursday 8G US History Study Guide *Location in world % of land area and population natural variety - makes US unique regions - number of states in each, capital of US *5 Themes of geography *Types of maps (3) *Features of maps (8) *Divisions on maps latitude longitude hemispheres *Map projections (4) +of each - of each use shape *Physical geography *Land amount of various types *Resources types, % in the world *Climate types, locations, affected by *Vegetation types, amounts, affects and affected by *Human geography affects on/ affected by environment movement: physical and ideas *Time zones
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July 2020