8th Graders - Thank you for your effort and attitudes today! Good work - I'm looking forward to seeing your saintly ways tomorrow! Let us work on the goal of disconnecting from the devices that remove us from family and friends and TALK, LISTEN, CARE, FACE TO FACE! Take time for each other! Do you really know how the people you live with feel?
Calendar: Tuesday, November 6: Welcome the Accreditation Team with your wonderful friendly attitudes! No homework help - teachers are meeting with the team. Wednesday, November 7: arrive at OLM 7:30 in uniform to set up the "Wax" museum; after outside morning prayer put on saint costume, 9:00 Saint Wax Museum until 11:15. Thursday, November 8: 8:30 Veterans' Celebration; 12:30 Dismissal Friday, November 9: NO SCHOOL 8th Homework : for shared documents: [email protected] ? of the Day: 11/6: Did you remember your Spirit of Christmas potatoes, the shoe box items, and missing Nutcracker $ and slips? Please have your parents see the comment below. Wednesday, November 7: Come Enjoy: Our Lady of Mercy 8th Grade Students’ Saint Wax Museum - 9:00-11:15 - Our Lady of Mercy School Auditorium - Visitors Welcome! Religion: 11/6: Bible search with summaries and connections in Faith Journals due tomorrow; and any needed props for Wednesday U.S. History: 11/6: REMEMBER TO VOTE - GREAT WORK on the pros and cons presented today! 11/5: 3 pros and 3 cons for the propositions Physical Science: 11/5: reread p.50-51, write the 6 signs of chemical changes and give examples of each Algebra: 11/6: p. 67-68 #2-36 even 7th Homework: 7 Life Science: 11/6: Prepare today's food chart 7 World History: 11/6: Review European Countries #1-40 7 Steps to the Scientific Method 1. Observe using... 2. Ask a Question about... 3. Form a hypothesis about... 4. Test your hypothesis by... 5. Analyze the results of... 6. Draw a conclusion by comparing your... 7. This is you publication.
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July 2020