8th Graders:
Great start to our first week of school and thank you to those who served at the Catholic Charities dinner! Check the Calendar below to make sure you know what's happening this week. Wednesday, August 15: 8:15 Mass - Feast of the Assumption [of Mother Mary] Friday, August 17: 12:30 Dismissal Sunday, August 19: Open house 11 - 2 : thank you to all 8th graders and their parents for hosting this event!! Drop off baked goods by 11am - come visit the classroom before of after your work shift. 8th Homework : ? of the Day: 8/16: Have you shared with your parents that everyone needs to bring baked goods for OPEN HOUSE - you supply dessert! Have them sign planner saying they know this. 8/14&15: Have you read the letter below about Open house? Please share it with your parents and have them sign in the planner that they saw the letter and are fine with their schedule. 8/13: Why are the states of the west so different from the states of the northeast in shape (borders) and size? Ask family, friends, Google - write what you think is a logical (does it make sense) answer on paper to turn in tomorrow. Religion: 8/16: Final copy of Character Essay printed out bring picture separately 8/15: Bring a 4x6 picture of your role model choice. 8/14: Complete your rewrite of your character essay begun in class and resubmit it. 8/13: Discuss with family/friends: Faith U.S. History: 8/16:Complete all of your map, turn in tomorrow. Study and know states and capitals.. 8/15: Complete your US maps except degrees and natural resources; know your states and capitals - test Friday as shared last week 8/14: Memorize the states and capitals in the Midwest region. Quiz tomorrow. Complete coloring your map's land masses and bodies of water. Then outline the regions in six colors and make a key for them. Write the capitals next to your alphabetical list of states, be sure to check spelling. Then label states and capitals NEATLY and HORIZONTALLY 8/13: Memorize the states and capitals in the West and Northeast regions. Quiz tomorrow. Complete the 50 states on your map and color them 5 different colors, no states with same color touching. Label states and capitals NEATLY and HORIZONTALLY if you have time. Physical Science: 8/15&16: Complete your science career board due Friday. Check spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and be sure to site your sources. 8/13: Continue to research your career choice looking for answers to the 10 questions. Write facts in a google doc/ classroom for science career choice in desired format. Check spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and be sure to site your sources. Find your person to interview. Begin your visual. 7th Homework: 7 Life Science: 8/16: Know 7 Steps of Scientific Method for test tomorrow 8/15: Review these 7 steps - continue to work on memorization 7 Steps to the Scientific Method 1. Observe using your 5 senses. 2. Ask a question about what you have observed. 3. Form a Hypothesis, an educated guess, about the answer to the question. 4. Test the hypothesis with an experiment and collect data. 5. Analyze the results, data, of the experiment. 6. Draw a conclusion comparing your results to your hypothesis. 7. Publish your findings to share with the world 7 World History 8/16: Know your 7 continents and 4 world oceans - Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America and the 4 oceans - quiz Friday as shared last week; complete the fifth row of squares on the large World Map using your viewing square 8/15: Identify your continents and 4 world oceans by numbering them on your small colored map using the class list on the back of that map. Then complete the fourth row of squares on the large World Map using your viewing square. Spend time memorizing the 7 Continents and their location in the world: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America and the 4 oceans - quiz Friday as shared last week. 8/14: Color the small World Map's continents as indicated in class. Then complete the third row of squares on the large World Map using your viewing square. Spend time memorizing the 7 Continents and their location in the world: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America 8/13: Complete the second row of squares on the World Map using your viewing square. Spend time memorizing the 7 Continents and their location in the world: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America OUR LADY OF MERCY OPEN HOUSE SERVING SCHEDULE Dear 8th Grade Parents, Thank you for volunteering for service at Open House this Sunday, August 19th. Your work schedule is listed below. Please remember to drop off your baked goods before 11:00am at the school cafeteria on Sunday and stop by the classroom before or after your shift. If you did not sign up for a shift, we gave you a shift that was in need of more hosts. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Melissa Pareira or Mrs. Keeler. THANK YOU!! 10:30-11:30 Arceo Hunter Contreras Mendoza d'Escoto Olivares Estrada Pareira Foroutan Smith 11:30-12:30 Bernard Mishra Crawford Pareira Kahlon Samuelson Jorgenson Silva Moradzadeh Wee 12:30-1:30 Abbate Maciel Barriga Pareira Delworth Tapetillo Macalincag Wychunas 1:30-2:30 Bachour Maciel Garcia Miller Hermosillo Pareira Lazaro Robinson Macay
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July 2020