What will our purpose be in 2020 - this new year, the start of a new decade? Let us ask Him!1/9/2020 8th graders and parents ~
I thank all of you for your kind and generous gifts and words, and especially for the beautiful Christmas ornament from the class. It will always be a reminder of the Class of 2020! On Monday during this last day of the Christmas season, let us see if we can be a gift to someone else! Calendar: Monday, January 6: Epiphany!! Tuesday, January 7: Wednesday, January 8: Thursday, January 9: Friday, January 10: Bring St. Vincent Lunches, 8:15 Mass, make D Street meals, 12:30 dismissal, Report Cards go home ? of the Day: 1/9: Have you made your St. Vincent Lunch for tomorrow and donated for the D Street meal? Don't write - just do it. You're a RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN!! 1/8:If you have time, begin the Constitution notecards and start studying them. 8th Grade Homework Religion: 1/9: Bring St. Vincent Lunch tomorrow and January D Street Donation - $3.00 - for meal prep; Sunday Readings and connections due Monday U.S. History: 1/9: Memorize the Preamble to the Constitution; work on Constitution Notecards Physical Science: 1/9: Science Fair Project 2019-2020 1. Observe life around us and see something that we have a question about. 2. Ask the question: then complete background research: investigate other ideas about this question by asking others who are connected to this question, use academic studies from textbooks or the internet - find at least 3 sources for research 3. Form an hypothesis using your knowledge and the background research facts. 4. Test your hypothesis at least 3 times to eliminate some area of error. Plan your test/experiment Gather the needed materials and note them Clearly communicate (write all steps in your notebook) your set up and procedure - the “recipe” Record your findings in DETAIL in charts 5. Analyze your data Create graphs to explain your findings 6. Explain your conclusion basically: what happened, why you think that happened, was that what you thought was going to happen - your hypothesis 7. Share your findings by writing an abstract, a report, and a visual display - board and and materials for clarity Algebra: 7th Grade Homework: Life Science: 1/9: Science Fair Project 2020 1. Observe life around us and see something that we have a question about. 2. Ask the question: then complete background research: investigate other ideas about this question by asking others who are connected to this question, use academic studies from textbooks or the internet - find at least 3 sources for research 3. Form an hypothesis using your knowledge and the background research facts. 4. Test your hypothesis at least 3 times to eliminate some area of error. Plan your test/experiment Gather the needed materials and note them Clearly communicate (write all steps in your notebook) your set up and procedure - the “recipe” Record your findings in DETAIL in charts 5. Analyze your data Create graphs to explain your findings 6. Explain your conclusion basically: what happened, why you think that happened, was that what you thought was going to happen - your hypothesis 7. Share your findings by writing an abstract, a report, and a visual display - board and and materials for clarity World History: 1/9: Study for Monday quiz : 5 Asian countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Nepal, India, and 22 Middle Eastern countries for test tomorrow: Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Cyprus, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, & Jordan Periodically review all 52 European countries: Moldova, Malta, Crete, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Andorra, Monaco, Vatican City, San Marino, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Liechtenstein, Ukraine, Netherlands, Denmark, Luxembourg, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Czech Republic, Iceland, Ireland, United Kingdom: Scotland, England, Wales, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
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July 2020