![]() On Friday, I posted the letter from our superintendent stating that all Catholic schools in the Diocese of Fresno will continue with online learning through the end of the school year. If you missed it, please scroll down to read it. This week we will have school Monday - Wednesday. In observance of spring break, there will be no online classes/work again until April 20. I wish all of you and your families a happy and holy Easter! Let us pray for an Easter miracle, and an end to this Coronavirus. _______________________________________________________________________ Religion: Monday- Assignment: In google classroom, click on the link to watch the video, "Holy Week in 3 minutes." Then answer the questions. Lent Calendar-Watch this short video. Email me and answer: Why did Jesus wash his disciples' feet? What example did he set? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bv5ajWNrnt4 You should receive an email from me which has the readings for the Stations of the Cross. I wlll need 15 readers for Tuesdays Zoom meeting (for the 14 stations and the closing prayer) Please email me if you would like to be a reader. I will take the 1st 15 who volunteer. In the email, let me know which one you would like to read. If you wish to read, you will need to have it open in another window on your computer or print it out ahead of time. Tuesday- Today's Zoom meeting will be longer We will pray the Stations of the Cross and do the vocabulary assignment. Anyone who attends will get their Lent calendar marked for today since we are praying the Stations of the Cross. Wednesday-Assignment: Take the Quizizz about Holy Week Lent Calendar- One of my cousins is a nurse at the hospital at USC in Los Angeles. She has been caring for 14 patients with the coronavirus. Her name is Kevel. You can make her a card to encourage her and thank her. Then email it to me,and I will send them to her. If you have a family member who is a doctor, nurse, or medical worker and would prefer to make the card for them, that is great. Just email a picture of it to me, so I know that you did it. Thursday: We do not have online school today. If we had been in regular school, we would've had a prayer service for Holy Thursday. You can still get your Lent Calendar marked by doing the following: Call someone (an elderly person if possible) who would love to hear from you. Check on how they're doing during this difficult time. Email me and let me know who you called. _________________________________________ 6th grade language arts For reading this week-read Wonder p. 97-132 Part 4. On Wednesday, take the Quizizz. Please complete the Quizizz by 2:30pm on Wednesday. You are allowed to take it twice. Monday- Unit 12 vocab. pictures match-up on google classroom IXL recommendation: Capitalizing Titles good rule to remember to help you on this is to capitalize the first and last words of a title, and all important words in between. Tuesday- Do Vocabulary book p. 156-157. We will do this on ZOOM at 10 after we pray the Stations of the Cross Wednesday- Watch the video "What is an Adjective?" on google classroom. Then complete the chart. You will choose 3 nouns (1 person, 1 place, 1 thing). The video chose: mommy, school, boat. Be sure to choose different ones. Then list 4 adjectives to describe each. We will be doing more work with adjectives in our writing after Spring Break. Due at 2:30, so that we don't have homework on Spring Break. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8th grade language arts Reading: Monday--Wednesday: Finish reading act 1 and complete the questions on google classroom. This is due on Thursday at 8:00AM. You can choose do to a little each day or do it all at once. If you need the link for Romeo and Juliet: https://www.sparknotes.com/nofear/shakespeare/romeojuliet/page_2/ No Homework Passes on this assignment English/Vocab: No homework passes for 8th grade book writing, but you may use them for vocabulary assignments. Monday-Write 1/2 page about what makes you happy. IXL recommendation: Words with un, dis, in, im, and non Tuesday-8th grade book writing, "Unfinished Sentences" on google classroom Vocabulary: On a google doc, choose 5 of your words from unit 12. Send 5 pictures (one to represent each word). Be sure to label each picture with the word. You may take photos or find images online. BE SURE THAT ALL PICTURES ARE APPROPRIATE. Any inappropriate pictures will result in a zero grade. Homework passes are accepted for this assignment. This will be due on Wednesday at 2:30pm. Wednesday-Make corrections to Favorite Subject Writing in Google Classroom. Some of you have already done this. Finish your vocabulary pictures if you have not already done so. Have a blessed Easter! Welcome to week 3 of online school. As always, feel free to contact me with questions or concerns at [email protected].
____________________________________________________ 6th grade religion: I will list regular religion assignments as well as Lent calendar assignments. Remember you will need to complete a total of 25 activities on the calendar by the end of Lent. Remember to pray!!! Regular assignment for the week: Create a poster that expresses the meaning of the song "We are the World" and how it relates to this current situation. (This is the song from last week's religion) You will attach a picture of the poster to google classroom (I will have an assignment for it there). This is your religion grade for the week. It is due Friday at 8am. Please do not go out and buy materials. Use what you have. Computer paper is fine. Be creative. Lent calendar: Monday-Make a thank you note to a teacher and email it to me. I will forward it to the appropriate teacher. Put it in your turn-in folder Tuesday-pray the Rosary. Email to let me know you did this. Wednesday-Email me and answer in at least 3 sentences. How does God teach you? Thursday-Email and tell me something you did at home to help out. Friday- Pray for the hungry and email to let me know you did this. Saturday- Lent Calendar: Type the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. This might be in your planner. If not, you can look them up online. Email them to me. _________________________________________ Language Arts 6th grade You will NOT need language arts minutes this week. You will only need to do recommendations that are assigned. We will do some other things this week and less IXL. Monday- Have a little fun today. Take a break from IXL. I want to get you up and moving. Go to Google classroom. You will find a video of Zumba Kids Old Town Road. Don't cheat; get up and try it. Then there is a short quickwrite to respond in google classroom. Reading- Go to this link: archive.org/details/Wonder_201810/page/n11/m You will access a free download of Wonder. If you have the book at home or an e-reader, feel free to use that. We left off on page 78. Once you click the link, go to the bottom right where you will find the feature to make it full screen. Then click the 3 lines in the upper left, click settings, and you will find the feature to zoom in. For today just read p. 78-86. Stop at part 3. We will be reading Wonder this week and having assignments about it. Tuesday- ZOOM meeting 10:00 - 10:30am. Look for an invite in your email. We will work on CTS unit 12 together. Have your vocabulary books with you. Also have your google classroom open in the background or have paper and pen to write down answers as we go, and then you can type after the meeting. Reading- In google classroom, click the link to do the Wonder part 2 quizizz. You may take it twice. Scores will automatically be sent to me. Wednesday- Vocabulary: take 3 pictures that represent 3 vocabulary words from unit 12. Be sure to tell me which word each photo represents. You will do this in google classroom. For example for the word thrive: You could take a picture of a healthy plant. (you can't use that one though). Of course, please make sure all photos are school appropriate. English: IXL recommendation- good, better, best, bad, worse, and worst Reading- Wonder begin reading part 3 Summer. Read p. 86-92 Weird Kids, The Plague, The Halloween Party, November Be sure to keep up on your reading, so that you will be able to complete assignments Thursday- Vocabulary-synonyms/antonyms unit 12 IXL recommendation: correct capitalization errors Reading- Go to timeforkids.com, click on 5-6, click on the article "Olympics Postponed." Read the article and then complete the assignment in google classroom. Friday- ZOOM meeting at 10:00. We will do p. 156-157 in the vocab. book. Have google classroom open or have a pen and paper ready. This will be due at 2:30, so that we don't have weekend homework. Reading: Finish reading Wonder part 3 Warning: This Kid is Rated R The Egyptian Tomb Go on Google classroom and click the link for the Wonder part 3 quizizz. It will post at 8am and will be due by 2:30pm.....we don't want weekend homework. ______________________________________________________________________________________- 8th grade language arts You will NOT need language arts minutes this week. You will only need to do recommendations that are assigned. We will do some other things this week and less IXL. Monday-Please make corrections on your "OLM Memory" writing on google classroom. It was returned to you last week, and several of you have already made corrections. Vocabulary recommendation: Words with less- Reading: Do the To Kill a Mockingbird quizizz through the link in google classroom. You may only do it once. Tuesday-8th grade book writing in google classroom--1/2 page about your favorite subject synonyms/antonyms quizizz through google classroom. You may wish to review your words first. You may use your book, but you will be limited on time. Reading: In google classroom, watch the short video on Shakespeare. Then answer the questions. You may need to watch the video again to get all the questions. Wednesday- Make corrections to your "Favorite School Year" writing in Google classroom, if you haven't already done so. Complete the Currently April rough draft on Google Classroom Reading: Begin reading Romeo and Juliet. Read the Prologue and Act 1, scene 1. You do not need to buy a book. Use the link provided for No Fear Shakespeare. This site shows you the Old English (the way it was written by Shakespeare) and the plainspoken English (which is more similar to the English we use today). https://www.sparknotes.com/nofear/shakespeare/romeojuliet/page_2/ Answer the questions in google classroom Thursday- Currently April Final draft-use computer/printer paper attach a photo of it on google classroom Friday--We will have ZOOM meetings today. I will divide the class into 2 groups. One group will meet 11:30-noon, and the other group will meet noon-12:30. You will only be allowed to enter the meeting to which you are assigned. It should be more manageable with a smaller group. We will go over the Romeo and Juliet questions to make sure everyone is understanding what they are reading. You will not have any other work today. It would've been a have day for first Friday, so I would've only had you for one period. Happy Friday! You've survived week 2 of online school, and you're doing a great job!
6th graders: I'll see you on ZOOM at 10am. Please have your language arts diagnostics updated if possible. I will check scores and see who earns a virtual homework pass. Next week on Tuesday, we will have a ZOOM meeting to work on vocabulary. 8th graders: I'll see you on ZOOM at 11:30am. Please have your language arts diagnostics updated if possible. I will check score and see who earns a virtual homework pass. Next week we will begin Romeo and Juliet. I will be giving you a website to use. You do NOT need to purchase a book. We will also use next week's ZOOM time to go over Romeo and Juliet questions.. Decathletes: See you on ZOOM at 12:30. We'll review super quiz. ______________________________________________ I was glad to hear that many of you enjoyed the song "We are the World" yesterday. I'm posting another video of the same song. This is a current one for the coronavirus. This one doesn't have celebrities; it has everyday people, and the chorus is sung by a 6th grade choir. Enjoy! It's the kind of song that sticks in your head. Pope Francis is calling for prayer today. He would like the whole planet to unite in prayer. Everyone please say an Our Father for the end to the coronavirus.
Extra credit in religion: email me the answer-Why do you think he is calling for this TODAY? Why is TODAY important in the Catholic Church? Hello 6th graders! It was nice to see your smiling faces this morning! I just wanted to touch base and answer questions. I am changing your language arts IXL minutes this week from 150 minutes to 100 minutes. (This is for 6th graders only) I know it is a lot right now, and I don't want you to get too overwhelmed. We want to be learning but not overstressed .
I know you have a ZOOM meeting today with Mrs. Tyler. It is necessary for you to have ZOOM meetings to learn your new math concepts. I'm asking you to please remember appropriate conduct during these ZOOM meetings so that everyone can learn. Please be respectful of teachers and classmates. I'm counting on all of you to make the best of this for everyone! I know we can do it! Welcome to week 2 of online school. As always, feel free to contact me with questions or concerns at [email protected].
Junior high students will need to check the blogs of ALL of their teachers. Also, please remember to check daily for any updates. It would be a good idea to print out the blogs and write all work in your planner on the correct day. This will help you to stay organized. Please refer to last week's post for instructions regarding using homework passes. Do not begin IXL minutes or recommendations for this week before Monday, March 23.. All assignments/ recommendations are due on the next school day at 8:00AM...just as they are during regular school. In addition to completing IXL recommendations, please remember to finish your IXL minutes by Friday 8:00AM...just like during regular school. All google classroom assignments will post at 8:00am daily. You can check the google classroom after 8:00am and do the assignments at any time you wish. They must be turned in by 8:00AM the next day, unless otherwise stated. If no work is done on a particular day, the student will be marked absent for that day. Keep going...you're doing a great job! Looking forward to seeing your smiling faces this week on our ZOOM meetings! _____________________________________________________ 6th grade religion: I will list regular religion assignments as well as Lent calendar assignments. Remember you will need to complete a total of 25 activities on the calendar by the end of Lent. Remember to pray!!! Monday- Lent calendar: make a thank you card for Mario at school. Please email me a picture of it. Put it in your turn-in folder regular assignment: Watch the short video on Saint Corona on google classroom and answer the questions. Tuesday- Lent calendar: pray for 15 minutes and email to let me know that you did this regular assignment: none. This was our week of half days, and you would not have had religion class today. Wednesday- Lent calendar: Research who is the other saint of pandemics (not mentioned in Monday's video). Email me the answer regular assignment: "We are the World" was written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie in 1985 for Africa. Then it was recorded 25 years later in 2010 for Haiti. Why are the lyrics relevant today? How do they apply to the situation the world is in today with the Coronavirus? Go to Google classroom, find the assignment, listen to the song, and write your answers in complete sentences. At least 3 sentences. Thursday- Lent calendar: Take out the garbage at home. Have your parents email me. regular assignment: Go go google classroom. There is a link to read the Gospel. Please respond on google classroom by giving me at least 3 sentences telling me what the Gospel is about. Remember, no one's answer should be exactly the same as anyone else's answer. Let's remember to be honest in our work. Friday- Lent calendar: Pray for the homeless. Email to let me know you did this. No regular assignment...you can have "song practice" at home if you would like. Saturday- Lent Calendar: Fast from technology today. Email to tell me what you did today, instead of using devices. _________________________________________ Language Arts 6th grade You will need 2.5 hours or 150 minutes this week. You may do 15 extra minutes for extra credit. Be sure to silent read 20 minutes per day. Those who will be attending the speech festival, please be sure to practice your speeches, so that your speech is memorized when we return to school. Go through your speech and underline areas where you can add hand motions or use voice inflection. Monday- due to half days, you would not have had English today You will need 2.5 hours or 150 minutes this week reading--prepare for your book test tomorrow. Think about what your 3 reasons will be. Look in your book for examples of each reason. You may want to right them down to make your test easier tomorrow. The test will be on google classroom tomorrow. Tuesday-ZOOM meeting 10:00 - 10:30am. Look for an invite in your email. It's a superhero meeting! Dress like a superhero or wear your favorite superhero shirt. We need lots of superheroes fighting this virus! Let's also honor the many superheroes today: doctors, nurses, all medical workers, first responders, grocery store workers, food delivery drivers, and other essential personnel. We will touch base, discuss any questions or concerns, and pray for the "superheroes" of this pandemic. vocabulary: Go to vocabularyworkshop.com, click on level A book, unit 11, test your vocabulary (just like we do in class). Play until you are happy with your score. Remember 20,000 is an A. Scores 21,000 and higher earn extra credit. Screenshot your score and attach it to a document in google classroom. You will find the assignment there. Reading: Book test on google classroom Wednesday- IXL recommendations words with sub- Is the sentence declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory? Match the quotations with their themes...you only need a smartscore of 85 on this one Thursday-On google classroom you will have an assignment that will lead you to quizizz where you will review what you practiced on IXL yesterday. You may take the quizizz twice. Scores will automatically be sent to me. IXL minutes due tomorrow at 8:00AM You would not have had reading period today due to half days. Friday-We will have a ZOOM meeting today 10:00-10:30. Look for an invite in your email. This will be to update diagnostics and try to earn a "virtual homework pass." I will keep track of who earns them, and you can just email to let me know when you would like to use them. If you would like, you can update diagnostics before the meeting. At the ZOOM you can check with me to see if you showed enough growth to earn a homework pass. If not, you can log on to IXL update more, and I can keep checking your scores until 10:30am. Who doesn't like a virtual homework pass??? Show your smiling face, say hi, and get a chance at earning a homework pass. Happy Friday! You've worked hard this week...this will be your only language arts work today! _______________________________________________________________________________________- 8th grade language arts Please do not begin recommendations or IXL minutes for this week until Monday, March 23; otherwise they will not count in your grade. Recommendations are due the following day at 8:00AM, just as when we are in school. Even if you finish your recommendations, please remember to complete your minutes by Friday 8:00AM, just like during regular school. Please see last week's post for instructions regarding using homework passes. You will need 2.5 hours or 150 minutes this week. You may do 15 extra minutes for extra credit. Those wishing to try-out for the speech festival, please practice your speeches, so that you are ready to try-out in front of the class when we return to school. Monday-Please make corrections on your "Who Am I" writing on google classroom. It was returned to you last week, and several of you have already made corrections. Vocabulary recommendation: Words with ful- Work on other recommendations to get minutes. Reading: Define the 10 To Kill a Mockingbird characters (on google classroom). Remember your answers should not be exactly like anyone else's answers. Let's remember to be honest with our work. Tuesday- In your vocab. book, find unit 12. On google classroom, write 10 sentences. You can choose any 10 words from unit 12. Write one sentence using each of the words. Each sentence should be at least 7 words long. Remember capitalization and punctuation. IXL recommendation-identify the complete subject and complete predicate of a sentence. Be sure to do the 8th grade level recommendation. Reading: define more To Kill a Mockingbird characters...google classroom Wednesday- Lucky you! No language arts today. This would have been the week of half days, I would not have had you for this cycle. Thursday-8th grade book writing on google classroom IXL minutes due tomorrow at 8:00AM Reading: Answer the TKAM essay question on google classroom Friday--We will have a ZOOM meeting today 11:30-noon. Look for an invite in your email.This will be to update diagnostics and try to earn a "virtual homework pass." I will keep track of who earns them, and you can just email to let me know when you would like to use them. If you would like, you can update diagnostics before the meeting. At the ZOOM you can check with me to see if you showed enough growth to earn a homework pass. If not, you can log on to IXL to update more, and I can keep checking your scores until noon. Who doesn't like a virtual homework pass??? Show your smiling face, say hi, and get a chance at earning a homework pass. Happy Friday! You've worked hard this week. This will be your only language arts work today. Good morning! We completed our first week of online school, and you're doing great! I"m seeing a lot of effort. It was great to reconnect with many of you yesterday on the ZOOM meeting and pray the Rosary! Remember prayer is powerful, and especially united children's prayers. I'm sure the Blessed Mother was smiling! Enjoy a break from schoolwork over the weekend. This weekend I will be posting information for next week. God bless you!
Attention decathletes: We will have a ZOOM meeting today at 10am to go over the logic puzzles that you should have received in a shared document from me. Attention 6th graders: You should have received your email invitation to our ZOOM meeting this afternoon at 1pm. People around the world will be praying the Rosary at that time, in response to the Pope's calling for a global Rosary on the Feast of St. Joseph. Please spread the word to your classmates. Let's get everyone attending. Let's pray together for an important cause! Have your Rosary with you, if you have one. We will pray the luminous mysteries. See you at 1pm!
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May 2020
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