Today is the feast day of St. Joseph. As you know, we have box of our prayers in our classroom for St. Joseph to "sleep on." He is probably working overtime right now....lots of prayers and worries, but he can handle it. Pope Francis has a devotion to St. Joseph. He has asked all to pray a Rosary today at 9pm Rome time, which will be 1pm our time. This Rosary will be for the protection of families during this difficult time. I am going to attempt to host a ZOOM meeting/webinar at 1pm today, so that our class can pray together. Bear with me, I have never done this. So, please check back for updates. Students, you should receive an email with your invite to the meeting. The Rosary will also be on youtube and For those who might need help saying the rosary, explains the Rosary and guides you through it. I'm hoping the webinar works because I would love to see all of your smiling faces and be able to pray together. Prayer is powerful, and especially united children's prayers. Please join us today at 1pm!
I forgot to mention, it is very important that you are working daily on IXL and turning in all google classroom assignments. I have to take attendance each day. If no work is completed on a certain day, you will be marked absent for that day. So far, we have been doing very well with this. I still have a few students who haven't "checked in" by doing work. I made some phone calls to parents yesterday, so hopefully today, we will ALL be on board! Thanks for your efforts!
Good morning! I'm so proud of you for the effort you're making. I miss all of your smiling faces, and believe it or not, even your talking. I enjoyed reading your petitions you sent for your Lent calendar. I'm also enjoying reading the prayers you are writing for today. Please remember to scroll down to see the week's work.
Hope you are all doing well. Good effort yesterday with your work! Remember to scroll down to see the week's assignments. Also, please check back daily for any updates. I continue to pray for all of you and your families. God bless, Mrs. Lorenzi
As you know from the note that was sent home on Friday, March 13, 2020, our diocese is closing all of its Catholic Schools for two weeks due to the coronavirus. As of now, school will resume on Monday, March 30, but that is of course subject to change, depending on the situation at that time. Online school will of course be different for us and will take some adjustment, as always, feel free to contact me with questions or concerns at [email protected].
Junior high students will need to check the blogs of ALL of their teachers. Also, please check daily for any updates. I will post my assignments for the first week, but it is still important to check blogs daily for updates. It would be a good idea to keep a turn-in folder, so that you can place papers in there that will need to be returned to school. This will help to keep you organized. Remember that the 4th quarter begins on Monday, March 16, so this work will go into the 4th quarter grades. I will accept homework passes on assignments on which they are usually allowed.....vocabulary assignments, Time for Kids assignments, recommendations. I will not accept them for IXL minutes or 8th grade To Kill a Mockingbird chapters. If you are choosing to use a homework pass, please indicate that through google classroom or through email if it is a recommendation. Then be sure to write on the homework pass...write which assignment it is being used for, and place the homework pass in your turn-in folder. You will need to turn these in upon your return to school. Do not begin IXL minutes or recommendations before Monday, March 16, as they will not count in your grade until Monday March 17. All assignments/ recommendations are due on the next school day at 8:00AM...just as they are during regular school. All google classroom assignments will post at 8:00am daily. You can check the google classroom after 8:00am and do the assignments at any time you wish. They must be turned in by 8:00AM the next day. I recommend printing out this blog, so that you can have a checklist for yourself, and highlight as you complete assignments. You will need to stay organized and check the blogs of each of your teachers. _____________________________________________________ 6th grade religion: You will not have any assignments, except for your Lent calendar. Remember you will need to complete a total of 25 activities on the calendar by the end of Lent. Remember to pray!!! The activities for this week are: Monday-make a thank you card for someone. Take a picture of the card and email the picture to Mrs. Lorenzi by 8:00am Tuesday. Tuesday-Make of 10 things you will pray for today. Email this list to Mrs. Lorenzi by 8:00AM Wednesday. Wednesday-Write a prayer of at least 5 lines. Since you can't go to adoration, be sure to pray for 15 minutes. Email your prayer to Mrs. Lorenzi by 8:00am Wednesday. Thursday-Put $1 in your turn-in folder to be brought to Mrs. Lorenzi when school resumes. The money will be used to buy books for the Stanford Children's Hospital. Friday-Pray for the homeless and the hungry. Email Mrs. Lorenzi to say you did 8:00AM Saturday. Saturday-Type all Mysteries of the Rosary (there are 20). Email this to Mrs. Lorenzi by 8:00AM Sunday. _________________________________________ Language Arts 6th grade Some of your vocabulary assignments will be like usual in your vocabulary books on google classrooms. Some will be vocabulary recommendations on IXL. Some of your reading grades will be from reading recommendations on IXL. All recommendations count toward your minutes. All recommendations need at least a smart score of 90. Smart scores of 100 will earn extra credit. If you've spent a lot of time on your recommendation and find you cannot achieve the score of 90, do the BEST you can. If you do not achieve at least 90 on each recommendation, it will be important to do extra minutes to earn extra credit. You will need 2.5 hours or 150 minutes this week. You may do 15 extra minutes for extra credit. Be sure to silent read 20 minutes per day. We will have some type of online book test next week. Those who will be attending the speech festival, please be sure to practice your speeches, so that your speech is memorized when we return to school. Go through your speech and underline areas where you can add hand motions or use voice inflection. Monday- recommendations-due Tuesday Words with re- Analogies For the "analogies" you will want to look at the words and see how they are related. For example, Musician is to instrument as singer is to ____________________ since an instrument is something a musician uses, the answer has to be something a singer uses. It will be multiple choice on IXL. The correct answer would be voice, since a singer uses his/her voice. Monday's reading recommendation--due Wednesday Determine the main idea Tuesday-recommendations due Wednesday form plurals of nouns ending in f, fe, o, and y finish determine the main idea from yesterday also do synonyms/antonyms unit 11 on google classroom Wednesday-recommendations due Thursday Which definition matches the sentence? Form and use plurals of nouns ending in f, fe, o, and y Wednesday's reading recommendation due Friday- Identify sensory details Thursday-recommendations due Friday Form plurals review finish Identify sensory details from yesterday also do Choosing the Right Word unit 11 on google classroom Friday-Go to, click on level 5-6, choose an article that interests you. Go to google classroom. There is an assignment created where you will write 2 brief paragraphs about this article and your opinion. Follow the instructions on the assignment. _____________________________________________________________________- 8th grade language arts Grammar and vocabulary will be done through IXL recommendations. Please do not begin these recommendations until Monday, March 16; otherwise they will not count in your grade. Recommendations are due the following day at 8:00AM, just as when we are in school. Homework passes will be accepted on recommendations, as always, but you must email to say you will be using one. You must also write the recommendation on the homework pass, and have it ready to turn in when school resumes. You need to achieve at least a 90 smart score on each recommendation to receive full credit. Smart scores of 100 will receive extra credit. The recommendations count toward your minutes. You will need 2 hours or 120 minutes this week. You may do 15 extra minutes for extra credit. To Kill a Mockingbird chapters will be completed on google classroom. You will need to type all information on the google classroom assignment. Also, all books will be collected the day you return to school. All chapters 28-31 are expected to be marked in your book. Any chapter not also marked in your book, will result in the deduction of points for that chapter. In order to receive credit: You must submit the google assignment for the chapter on time and have the chapter completely marked in your book when you return to school. Those wishing to try-out for the speech festival, please practice your speeches, so that you are ready to try-out in front of the class when we return to school. Monday-recommendations due Tuesday words with re- identify the simple subjects or simple predicates of a sentence To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 28 Tuesday- recommendations due Wednesday words with sub- identify the compound subjects or compound predicates of a sentence To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 29 Wednesday- recommendations due Thursday words with mis- use relative pronouns who and whom To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 30 Thursday- recommendations due Friday choose the antonym form and use plurals of compound nouns To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 31 Friday-Go to google classroom. You will watch a very short clip from the TKAM movie. You will respond in 3-5 sentences in the google classroom assignment. Remember these sentences should be your own. |
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May 2020
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