Monday: First Communion Mass Tuesday: Family Life Wednesday: Family Life Thursday: Bible search Friday: Mass ____________________________________-__ 6th grade English Monday: writing-5 entrees concentration game Tuesday: flashcards unit 14 Wednesday: writing-5 desserts grammar: p. 220-221 Thursday: cts unit 14 grammar:p. 248 handwriting prayer Friday: Grandparents' Day _________________________ 6th grade Reading Monday: silent reading Time for Kids Tuesday: silent reading Flying Solo Wednesday: library, Flying Solo Thursday: silent reading read to kinders Friday: vocab. bingo ____________________________________ 8th grade English Monday: currently May rough and final drafts get back all rough drafts for 8th grade book..all final drafts due Monday, May 8 Tuesday-turn in all library books Currently book covers library-new book Wednesday:syn/ant unit 15 rough drafts for 8th grade book covers Thursday: ctrw unit 15 handwriting Romeo and Juliet movie Friday: Grandparents' Day _______________________ 8th grade reading Monday : Romeo and Juliet Act 4 questions begin Act 5 Tuesday: Romeo and Juliet finish Act 5 Wednesday: Romeo and Juliet Act 5 questions Thursday: Romeo and Juliet movie Friday: Grandparents; Day
Monday: write prayer of the month Family life: begin on p.35 Tuesday: Family Life Wednesday: Bible Trivia Thursday: Bible search Friday: song practice ____________________________________-__ 6th grade English Monday: grammar: p. 158-159 syn/ant unit 13 Tuesday: writing: 5 menu items-appetizers---description with adjectives adjectives: concentration camp Wednesday: choosing the right word unit 13 spelling baseball Thursday: spelling/vocab. tests unit 13 grammar: p. 218-219 Friday: p. 247 vocab. bingo _________________________ 6th grade Reading Monday: silent reading "You be the designer" Tuesday: silent reading Flying Solo Wednesday: library, Flying Solo class picture Thursday: silent reading read to kinders Friday: silent reading time for kids _____________________________________ 8th grade English Monday: writing: turning point flashcards unit 15 Tuesday- library-new book writing: teacher Wednesday:writing: adult with an impact Thursday: completing the sentence unit 15 Shakespeare article Friday: 8th grade trip _______________________ 8th grade reading Monday : Romeo and Juliet Tuesday: Romeo and Juliet Wednesday: Romeo and Juliet Thursday: Romeo and Juliet Friday: 8th class trip Romeo and Juliet: All 8th graders will need a small binder (1 inch) for our study of Romeo and Juliet. Binders will be collected at the end of our reading of the book (on the day of the final). 0 Comments
Monday: Lent puzzles Tuesday: read and discuss Easter section in textbook Wednesday: Bible search Thursday: Holy Thursday prayer service/stations of the cross Friday: no school ____________________________________-__ 6th grade English Monday: flashcards unit 13 Tuesday: rough draft compare/contrast essays due grammar: p. 168-159 part of speech Easter puzzle Wednesday: completing the sentence unit 13 vocab. bingo Thursday: Lent puzzles, Mini-relay for Life Friday: no school _________________________ 6th grade Reading Monday: silent reading Flying Solo-draw class picture--details will be given in class--due Thursday Tuesday: book test Wednesday: library, Flying Solo continue with Flying Solo class picture Thursday: Bark for Life event Friday: no school _____________________________________ 8th grade English Monday: choosing the right word handwriting p. 16-19 Tuesday- library-new books part of speech grammar puzzle Wednesday: read article about Romeo and Juliet point of view writing: someone at the Passion Thursday: Bark for Life Friday: no school _______________________ 8th grade reading Monday : Silent reading Romeo and Juliet Tuesday: silent reading Romeo and Juliet Wednesday: silent reading Romeo and Juliet Thursday: minimum day Friday: no school Romeo and Juliet: All 8th graders will need a small binder (1 inch) for our study of Romeo and Juliet. Binders will be collected at the end of our reading of the book (on the day of the final). 0 CommentsMarch 27-313/24/2017 0 Comments March 20-24 0 Comments
_________________________________ Junior High retreat: We will have a junior high retreat with 3 other Catholic Schools on Wednesday, April 5 (Yep, it's the same day as the spring program...we are busy people.) The retreat will be at St. Patrick's Hall. Please drop of students at the hall at regular time (8:00) and pick them up at the hall at 2:30 PM. It should be a fun day! _____________________________________ 6th grade Religion: Monday: practice Stations of the Cross, Bible Trivia Tuesday: practice Stations of the Cross, Bible Trivia Wednesday: Bible Search Thursday: watch dinner show dress rehearsal Friday: Stations of the Cross ____________________________________-__ 6th grade English Monday: dance with Mrs. Mendoza (spring program practice Tuesday: compare/contrast paragraph paragraph 3 cts unit 12 Wednesday: synonyms/antonyms unit 12 spelling baseball Thursday: spelling/vocab. tests unit 12 compare/contrast paragraph 4 Friday: compare/contrast paragraph 5 vocab. bingo ________________________________ 6th grade Reading Monday: silent reading TFK-animal house Tuesday: silent reading finish TFK Flying Solo-read Wednesday: library Flying Solo Thursday: silent read read to kinders Friday: silent reading TFK--ready for take-off _____________________________________ 8th grade English Monday: p. 306-307 completing the sentence unit 14 begin Act 1 Romeo and Juliet Tuesday: library worksheet-Shakespeare's life Wednesday: Romeo and Juliet Thursday: synonyms/antonyms unit 14 handwriting book Friday: Romeo and Juliet handout _______________________ 8th grade reading Monday : dinner show practice Tuesday: dinner show practice Wednesday: dinner show practice Thursday: silent reading Romeo and Juliet Friday: silent reading create "money for Verona" Romeo and Juliet: All 8th graders will need a small binder (1 inch) for our study of Romeo and Juliet. Binders will be collected at the end of our reading of the book (on the day of the final). |
AuthorMrs. Lorenzi Archives
May 2020
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