If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected]
_____________________________________________________________________ Your help is needed! Our class is short on the following supplies: binder paper, rulers, scissors, index cards, and kleenex. If you are able to provide some to get us through the end of the year, it would be greatly appreciated. Also, if your child has run out of their supplies, please purchase new ones for the remainder of the school year. Thank you for your help! ______________________________________________________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday-Easter lesson and faith family activity 6th graders please bring a small bag of wrapped Easter candy to pack Easter baskets for Catholic Charities Tuesday-Jr. High retreat--get dropped off at 8 AM and picked up at 2:30 PM at the parish hall Wednesday-Bible search Thursday-Holy Thursday Prayer Service Lent Calendar due today! Friday-Good Friday--no school ________________________ 6th Grade English Monday-syn/ant unit 14 writing: 5 entrees Tuesday-jr. high retreat Wednesday-ctrw unit 14 Rosetta Stone Thursday-no spelling/vocab. tests on this unit no class due to minimum day schedule Friday-no school _______________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-silent reading begin reading a short story as a class Tuesday-jr. high retreat Wednesday-silent reading library continue with story Thursday-silent reading short story comprehension questions Friday-no school ___________________________________ 8th Grade English Monday-writing: turning point practice speeches Tuesday-jr. high retreat Wednesday-p. 305-307 Romeo and Juliet Thursday-p. 334 #1-24 Romeo and Juliet Friday-no school ___________________________________ 8th Grade Reading Monday-silent reading Romeo and Juliet Tuesday-silent reading Romeo and Juliet Wednesday-silent reading Romeo and Juliet Thursday-silent reading Romeo and Juliet Friday-no school _________________________
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May 2020
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