If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected]
____________________________________ We will be going to see the movie Wonder on Friday, November 17. A permission slip was recently sent home. The cost to students will be $5 each. Please return the signed permission slip with the $5 by Friday, Oct. 6. ________________________________________ The 6th graders will be going to Camp Calvin Crest October 9-13. Some students still need to turn in camp permission slips, medical notes, and/or copies of medical insurance cards. Please do this ASAP. _________________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday- practice for Friday's Mass Tuesday-handwriting p. 15-16 text p. 39-43 Wednesday-Practice for Mass Thursday-Bible search Friday-Song Practice _______________________________________________ 6th Grade English Monday- writing: limericks (we didn't get to this last week) Tuesday-grammar p. 29 Financial literacy for kids--TFK Wednesday-final drafts of limericks Thursday-vocab. bingo, share magazine projects Friday- no class due to minimum day schedule _______________________________________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-silent reading Wonder Tuesday-silent reading begin Time for Kids Wednesday-library--renew/check-out books Time for Kids Thursday-silent reading read to kindergarten buddies Friday-silent reading Wonder ___________________________________ 8th grade English Monday-outlining for saint report Tuesday-library outlining for saint report Wednesday- vocab. completing the sentence unit 5 grammar p. 24-25 Thursday-Outlines due (typed) Currently October rough drafts grammar p. 26-27 Friday-Currently October final drafts _____________________________________________ 8th grade reading Monday-silent reading Miracle Worker play Tuesday-silent reading Miracle Worker play give out extra credit book worksheets Wednesday-silent reading Miracle Worker play Thursday-silent reading Miracle Worker play Friday-silent reading no class due to minimum day schedule
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected]
____________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday- faith journal: p. 33 #2 textbook p.32-36 Tuesday-handwriting: p. 13-14, text: p. 39-43 Wednesday-Bible trivia Thursday-Bible search Friday-Song Practice _______________________________________________ 6th Grade English Monday- syn/ant unit 4 English: p. 28, 48 Tuesday- choosing the right word unit 4 writing: limericks Wednesday-grammar: p. 29 spelling baseball Thursday-final drafts-limericks spelling/vocab. tests unit 4 Friday- concentration game-parts of speech _______________________________________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-silent reading Wonder Tuesday-silent reading continue with Wonder Wednesday-library--renew/check-out books Time for Kids Thursday-silent reading read to kindergarten buddies Friday-silent reading finish Time for Kids ___________________________________ 8th grade English Monday-choosing the right word unit 4, grammar p. 22-23 Tuesday-library edits worksheet 15/16 Wednesday- spelling baseball grammar p. 46 Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 4 p. 24-25 Friday-flashcards unit 5 _____________________________________________ 8th grade reading Monday-silent reading Miracle Worker original movie Tuesday-silent reading Miracle Worker, original movie Wednesday-silent reading Miracle Worker Thursday-silent reading Miracle Worker acting Friday-silent reading Miracle Worker If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected] ____________________________________ Attention 6th grade parents: ___________________________________________________ Please send in pet pictures (they can be of the students with their pets) ASAP. These pictures will be used for our Blessing of the Animals poster. ___________________________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday- faith journal: What is sacrifice? Who has sacrificed for you? textbook: p. 27-29 Tuesday-music with Mr. Dimsey...learn new songs for our Mass Wednesday-music with Mr. Dimsey...learn new songs for our Mass Thursday-Bible search Friday-Song Practice _______________________________________________ 6th Grade English Monday- vocab. p. 42-45 grammar: p. 46 #1-14 Tuesday-flashcards unit 4 Wednesday-grammar: p. 26-27 handwriting: p. 10-12 Thursday-completing the sentence unit 4 grammar p. 47 #1-11 Friday- Ruzzle Game _______________________________________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-silent reading Wonder Tuesday-silent reading continue with Wonder Wednesday-library--renew/check-out books Time for Kids Thursday-silent reading read to kindergarten buddies Friday-silent reading finish Time for Kids ___________________________________ 8th grade English Monday-vocab. review p. 42-45 Tuesday-library flashcards unit 4 Wednesday-completing the sentence unit 4 grammar p. 44 #1-18 Thursday-syn/ant unit 4 edits worksheet 13/14 Friday-grammar p. 20-21 vocab. bingo _____________________________________________ 8th grade reading Monday-silent reading Miracle Worker Tuesday-silent reading synonyms/antonyms unit 3 Miracle Worker Wednesday-silent reading Miracle Worker Thursday-silent reading Miracle Worker Friday-silent reading Miracle Worker If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected] ____________________________________ Attention 6th grade parents: ___________________________________________________ Our class is in charge of planning the October Mass which will also be the blessing of the animals. We would like to make a poster of pet pictures to be brought up during the Mass offertory. I am in need of a parent who would like to make the poster. It would be on a tri-fold which can be purchased at the dollar store. I will provide the pictures. It will be needed by Oct. 1. This is a great way to earn hours. Please email me if you would like to do this. __________________________________________________ Please send in pet pictures (they can be of the students with their pets). These pictures will be used for our Blessing of the Animals poster. ___________________________________________________ Because the official school progress reports were sent home on Friday, September 8, I will not be sending one home on Monday, September 11. ________________________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday- handwriting: p. 6-7 textbook: p. 27-29 Tuesday-faith journal: What is sacrifice? What sacrifices have others made for you? textbook: p. 30-33 Wednesday-handwriting: p. 8-9 Bible Trivia Thursday-Bible search Friday-Song Practice _______________________________________________ 6th Grade English Monday- "One" poem remembering 9/11 grammar: p. 20-21 Tuesday-visit the elderly at Cherish Wednesday-syn/ant. unit 3 grammar p. 22-23 Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 3 grammar p. 24-25 Friday- p. 46 #1-14 vocab. bingo _______________________________________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-silent reading Wonder Tuesday-silent reading continue with Wonder Wednesday-library--renew/check-out books Time for Kids Thursday-silent reading read to kindergarten buddies Friday-silent reading finish Time for Kids Wonder ___________________________________ 8th grade English Monday-completing the sentence unit 3 Ruzzle tournament Tuesday-Book Test library for new books Wednesday-choosing the right word unit 3 Ruzzle tournament Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 3 Ruzzle Tournament Friday-Ruzzle Tournament _____________________________________________ 8th grade reading Monday-silent reading Miracle Worker Tuesday-silent reading synonyms/antonyms unit 3 Miracle Worker Wednesday-silent reading Miracle Worker Thursday-silent reading Miracle Worker Friday-silent reading Miracle Worker If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected] ____________________________________ Attention 6th grade parents: ___________________________________________________ Thank you to the parents who signed up to drive for us to visit the elderly on September 12. If you signed up for this date, we need you! I will send out reminders this week. ___________________________________________________ Because the official school progress reports will be sent home this Friday, September 8, I will not be sending one home earlier in the week. Also, there will not be one on Monday, September 11. I hope you are finding the weekly progress reports helpful for keeping your student on track _________________________________________________ Our assistant superintendent will be visiting OLM on Thursday, September 7. Because of this visit, the teachers have an after school meeting, so there will not be homework help on this day. I apologize for the inconvenience. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday- no school Tuesday-make cards for the elderly at Cherish finish saints for our names Wednesday-video: How do we pray? textbook Thursday-Bible search Friday-Song Practice Happy Birthday Blessed Mother! _______________________________________________ 6th Grade English Monday- no school Tuesday-continue working on writing skills for essay tests...the first all school write is September 14. The 6th graders will write in response to the library books they have been reading. They need to make sure to have finished reading their books by this date. Wednesday-grammar: p. 42 flashcards unit 3 Thursday-magazines officially due if you have not turned them in early for extra credit grammar: p. 44 parts of speech books: interjections Friday- Say the Rosary for the Blessed Mother's birthday completing the sentence unit 3 using parts of speech books to write sentences--with partners _______________________________________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-no school Tuesday-silent reading continue with Wonder Wednesday-library--renew/check-out books Wonder extra credit worksheet will be given out to prepare for next week's book test/all school write Thursday-silent reading read to kindergarten buddies Friday-silent reading Wonder ____________________________________ 8th grade English Monday-no school Tuesday-library to renew/check-out new books Currently September rough drafts choosing the right word unit 2 Miracle Worker Wednesday-grammar p. 44 #1-18 edits 11/12 Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 2 flashcards unit 3 Friday-Newspapers are officially due if you didn't turn them in early for extra credit last week final drafts Currently September _____________________________________________ 8th grade reading Monday-no school Tuesday-silent reading Miracle Worker book worksheets will be given out to prepare for next week's book test Wednesday-silent reading Miracle Worker Thursday-silent reading Miracle Worker Friday-silent reading Miracle Worker |
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