If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected]
__________________________________________ Homework help: Homework help is 2:30-3:30. If students are not going to extended care or sports immediately following homework help, a parent/guardian should sign them out in the classroom. Sixth grade homework help will be in Mrs. Wennberg's room on Mondays and Wednesday and in Mrs. Lorenzi's room on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There is no homework help on Friday. _________________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday- practice for Mass Tuesday-math facts finish Catholic Jeopardy Wednesday-handwriting p. 20-21 textbook Thursday- math facts Bible Search Friday-textbook _______________________________________________ 6th Grade English Monday-synonyms/antonyms unit 4 IXL diagnostic 45 IXL minutes on learning recommendations for language arts this week, some class time will be given due Friday 8:00am Tuesday- Choosing the right word unit 4 spelling baseball Wednesday-vocabularyworkshop.com unit 4 IXL-learning recommendations Thursday- spelling/vocab. tests unit 4 IXL-learning recommendations Friday- no class today due to minimum day/Mass schedule _______________________________________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-silent reading TIme for Kids and worksheet Wonder Tuesday-silent reading Wonder IXL learning recommendations Wednesday-library-silent reading Wonder Thursday-silent reading read to kindergarten buddies Friday-silent reading Time for Kids-financial literacy ____________________________________ 8th Grade English Monday- begin outlining for saint report Tuesday-library-new books outlining Wednesday-outlining Thursday-outlines due no spelling/vocab. tests this week IXL diagnostic Friday-flashcards unit 5 ___________________________________ 8th Grade Reading Monday-Book test Tuesday-silent reading Miracle Worker-correct act 2 questions finish reading act 3 continue with movie Wednesday- continue with movie Thursday-silent reading Miracle Worker-finish movie Friday-Blessing of the Animals Mass
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected]
__________________________________________ Homework help: Homework help is 2:30-3:30. If students are not going to extended care or sports immediately following homework help, a parent/guardian should sign them out in the classroom. Sixth grade homework help will be in Mrs. Wennberg's room on Mondays and Wednesday and in Mrs. Lorenzi's room on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There is no homework help on Friday. _________________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday- handwriting p. 16-17 Mr. Dimsey-practice songs for October Mass Tuesday-math facts faith families Wednesday-handwriting p. 18-19 text p. 54-57 Thursday- math facts Bible Search Friday-Song Practice _______________________________________________ 6th Grade English Monday-flashcards unit 4 IXL diagnostic 45 IXL minutes on learning recommendations for language arts this week, some class time will be given due Friday 8:00am Tuesday- writing: feature story for magazine project IXL-learning recommendations Wednesday-cts unit 4 IXL-learning recommendations Thursday- parts of speech books-verbs IXL-learning recommendations Friday- ruzzle game _______________________________________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-silent reading TIme for Kids Wonder Tuesday-silent reading Wonder Time for Kids worksheet Wednesday-library-silent reading Rosetta Wonder Thursday-silent reading read to kindergarten buddies Friday-silent reading begin new Time for Kids ____________________________________ 8th Grade English Monday- cts unit 4 ixl diagnostic Tuesday-library-syn/ant unit 4 IXL learning recommendations-60 minutes this week due Friday 8am, some class time will be given Wednesday-ctrw unit 3 IXL learning recommendations Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 4 IXL-learning recommendations Friday-field trip to UC Merced ___________________________________ 8th Grade Reading Monday-silent reading Miracle Worker Tuesday-silent reading Miracle Worker Wednesday-silent reading Miracle Worker Thursday-silent reading Miracle Worker Friday-field trip to UC Merced -
______________________________________________ If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected] __________________________________________ Homework help: Homework help is 2:30-3:30. If students are not going to extended care or sports immediately following homework help, a parent/guardian should sign them out in the classroom. Sixth grade homework help will be in Mrs. Wennberg's room on Mondays and Wednesday and in Mrs. Lorenzi's room on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There is no homework help on Friday. _________________________________________ Pet pictures: Our class is planning the Blessing of the Animals Mass on Oct. 4. We will need a parent to volunteer to make a tri-fold board with our pet pictures. This is a great project to service hours from home. Also, please send in any pet pictures that you would like included. We will need the pictures by this Friday, Sept. 16. If you are interested in making the poster, please email Mrs. Lorenzi. _______________________________________ Camp permission slips are due Monday, September 16. ________________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday- handwriting p. 11-12 text 51-53 Tuesday-math facts Bible Trivia Wednesday-handwriting p. 13-14 text p. 54 Thursday- math facts Bible Search Friday-Song Practice _______________________________________________ 6th Grade English Monday-syn/ant unit 3 IXL learning recommendations 45 IXL minutes on learning recommendations for language arts this week, some class time will be given due Friday 8:00am Tuesday-choosing the right word unit 3 vocabularyworkshop.com IXL-if time allows Wednesday-type interviews for magazines play spelling baseball if time allows Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 3 IXL Friday- IXL-diagnostic parts of speech books-noun anchor chart game with nouns _______________________________________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-silent reading finish TIme for Kids Tuesday-silent reading Wonder Rosetta Stone Wednesday-library-silent reading check-out new books/non-fiction Wonder Thursday-silent reading read to kindergarten buddies Friday-silent reading begin new Time for Kids ____________________________________ 8th Grade English Monday-ixl diagnostic Tuesday-library-syn/ant unit 3 IXL learning recommendations-60 minutes this week due Friday 8am, some class time will be given Wednesday-ctrw unit 3 IXL learning recommendations Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 3 IXL-learning recommendations Friday-flashcards unit 4 word puzzles ___________________________________ 8th Grade Reading Monday-silent reading Miracle Worker Tuesday-silent reading Miracle Worker Wednesday-silent reading Miracle Worker Thursday-silent reading Miracle Worker Friday-silent reading Miracle Worker August 19-23
______________________________________________ If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected] __________________________________________ Homework help: Homework help is 2:30-3:30. If students are not going to extended care or sports immediately following homework help, a parent/guardian should sign them out in the classroom. Sixth grade homework help will be in Mrs. Wennberg's room on Mondays and Wednesday and in Mrs. Lorenzi's room on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There is no homework help on Friday. _______________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday- practice songs for elderly Tuesday-text p. 51-53 Wednesday-Bible Trivia Thursday-Bible Search Friday-Song Practice _______________________________________________ 6th Grade English Monday-flashcards unit 3 writing: interview for magazine project Tuesday-parts of speech books IXL Wednesday-Cts unit 3 poem "One" about Sept. 11 Thursday-parts of speech books IXL Friday- type interviews for magazine projects IXL _______________________________________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-silent reading finish TIme for Kids Tuesday-silent reading finish response to literature Wednesday-library-Rosetta Stone Wonder Thursday-silent reading read to kindergarten buddies Friday-silent reading begin new Time for Kids Wonder ____________________________________ 8th Grade English Monday- flashcards unit 3 Currently September rough drafts Tuesday-library-final drafts Currently September Wednesday-cts unit 3 IXL Thursday-no spelling/vocab. tests this week due to book test synonyms/antonyms unit 3 IXL Friday-puzzles in groups vocabularyworkshop.com edits 5/6 worksheet ___________________________________ 8th Grade Reading Monday-book test Tuesday-silent reading read packet about term limits to prepare for Constitution essay term limits worksheet Wednesday-silent reading begin essay Miracle Worker Thursday-silent reading Miracle Worker Friday-silent reading Miracle Worker |
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