If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at [email protected] Homework help: There will be no homework help on Tuesday and Thursday of this week. I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and a parent conference on Thursday. I apologize for any inconvenience. __________________________________________ 6th grade Religion: Monday: no class today...class costume parade in auditorium Tuesday: Mass for All Saints Day Wednesday: handwriting: 2 pages text: p. 63-65 Thursday: Bible search Friday: song practice or Bible trivia ____________________________________- 6th grade English Monday: Halloween puzzle packet Tuesday: flashcards unit 6 Wednesday: grammar: p. 110 vocab. completing the sentence unit 6 Thursday: writing: business complaint letters Friday: vocab. syn/ant. unit 6 vocab. bingo ________________________________ 6th grade Reading Monday: silent reading finish Halloween puzzle packet Tuesday: silent reading Time For Kids from last week Wednesday: silent reading' finish TFK Thursday: silent reading read to kinders Friday: silent reading Time for Kids The next book test will be Tuesday, November 8. __________________ 8th grade English Monday-Halloween puzzle packet Tuesday: library choosing the right word unit 6 syn/ant unit 6 Wednesday: Currently November rough draft grammar: p. 92-94 Thursday: spelling/vocab. tests unit 6 Currently November final draft Friday: grammar: p. 109 #1-33 vocab. bingo _________________________ 8th grade reading Monday: silent reading Anne Frank Tuesday: silent read/ give out book worksheets to prepare for next week's test Anne Frank Wednesday: book test Thursday: silent reading Anne Frank Friday: silent reading Anne Frank The next book test will be: Wednesday, November 2
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at [email protected] __________________________________________ Red Ribbon Week: A note was sent home with information for how we will celebrate this week. Monday: Red Free Dress Wednesday: "You have the power to be drug free" wear a superhero cape with your uniform Thursday: "Team up against drugs" Wear a team shirt or jersey free dress Friday: "Put a cap on drugs" wear a cap with your uniform ____________________________________________ 6th grade Religion: Monday: finish reading Our Lady of Fatima story begin movie Tuesday: Our Lady of Fatima movie Wednesday: Bible search Thursday: Rosary Friday: Song practice ______________________________ 6th grade English: Monday: syn/ant unit 5, grammar p. 91-93 Tuesday: choosing the right word unit 5, grammar p. 109 Halloween stories final drafts Wednesday: grammar: p. 94-95 spelling baseball Thursday: spelling/vocab. tests unit 5 grammar: p. 110 Friday: Time for Kids ________________________________ 6th grade Reading Monday: silent reading OLF movie Tuesday: silent reading Time For Kids--money matters Wednesday: silent reading' money matters worksheet Thursday: silent reading read to kinders Friday: silent reading Time for Kids if time allows: Vocab. bingo The next book test will be Tuesday, November 8. __________________ 8th grade English Monday: Miracle Worker practice Please remember costumes and all props for Tuesday and Wednesday Tuesday: book worksheets given out--extra credit for next week's book test syn/ant unit 6 grammar: p. 92-94 Wednesday: choosing the right word unit 6 grammar : p. 109 Thursday: spelling/vocab. tests unit 6 Anne Frank Worksheet: Why study the Holocaust? Friday: vocab. review p. 80-81 Read and discuss "Allegory of the Holocaust discussion questions _________________________ 8th grade reading Monday: MIracle Worker practice Tuesday: Miracle Worker performance...parents are welcome to attend Students in scene 3 (the longest scene) will only perform on one of the two days Wednesday: Miracle Worker performance...parents are welcome to attend Thursday: silent reading Begin reading Anne Frank Friday: silent reading Anne Frank The next book test will be: Wednesday, November 2 The Miracle Worker performance dates will be Tuesday, Oct. 25 and Wednesday Oct. 26 at 1:15 PM. Students in the breakfast scene will only perform on one day. All other students will perform both days. Parents are welcome to attend. Please note the new email addresses for all teachers. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at [email protected]
Welcome back 6th graders! This week is book fair and conference week. Due to parent/teacher conferences, we have 12:30 dismissal all week. Thank you so much to Mrs. Abbate for the donation of a container for our playground equipment. _______________________________________ Pink Rally and Pink Free Dress for $1 on Monday, October 17. All proceeds will go to breast cancer research. _______________ 6th grade Religion: Monday: decorate door for the book fair handwriting 2 pages sle forms Bible trivia Tuesday: no class due to cycle for minimum day Wednesday: handwriting 2 pages Bible trivia Thursday: Rosary Friday: No class due to cycle for minimum day ______________________________ 6th grade English: Monday: no class due to cycle for minimum day Tuesday: visit book fair...bring money if you wish flashcards unit 5 Wednesday: write Halloween stories Thursday: no class due to cycle for minimum day Friday: song practice if no song practice: cts unit 5, vocab. bingo ________________________________ 6th grade Reading Monday: silent reading TFK--money matters Tuesday: silent reading read story of Our Lady of Fatima and discuss Wednesday: silent reading' Time for Kids Thursday: no class due to cycle for minimum day Friday: silent reading finish TFK worksheet The next book test will be Tuesday, November 8. __________________ 8th grade English Monday: iines test for Miracle Worker discuss costumes for play Tuesday: book fair Miracle Worker run-thru Wednesday: no class due to minimum day Saint reports rough drafts due!!! Thursday: Miracle Worker dress rehearsal Friday: cts unit 6 vocab. bingo _________________________ 8th grade reading Monday: lines test for Miracle Worker Tuesday: Miracle Worker run-thru Wednesday: no class due to minimum day Thursday: Miracle Worker run-thru Friday: Miracle Worker final test The next book test will be: Wednesday, November 2 The Miracle Worker performance dates will be Tuesday, Oct. 25 and Wednesday Oct. 26 at 1:15 PM. Students in the breakfast scene will only perform on one day. All other students will perform both days. Parents are welcome to attend. Please note the new email addresses for all teachers. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at [email protected]
Happy camping 6th graders. I'm sure the 6th graders will enjoy their week of outdoor education at Camp Calvin Crest with Mrs. Wennberg and Mr. Faraone. I will be subbing for Mr. Faraone and teaching 4th grade for the week. Donations needed: We are in need of a plastic laundry basket to store our playground equipment. Please let me know if you are able to donate a laundry basket. Thanks again! _______________________________________ 8th Grade English--since I will be teaching 4th grade this week, Mrs. Tyler will be teaching the 8th grade language arts. It will be similar to our usual routine. I will be leaving the following assignments. Monday: notecards are due! synonyms/antonyms unit 5 grammar: p. 88-89 Tuesday-library, choosing the right word unit 5 point of view writing: Write an internal monologue from the point of view of Captain Keller, Kate Keller, or Annie Sullivan. It should be both sides of the paper skipping lines Wednesday-grammar p. 90-91 Miracle Worker Act 3 questions Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 5 grammar: p. 108 #1-18 Friday-flashcards unit 6 ___________________________________ 8th Grade Reading 20 minutes of silent reading each day followed by group work on Miracle Worker scenes. Be ready for your lines test on Monday, Oct. 17 I will still be collecting the 8th grade homework from Mrs. Tyler and grading it. I will also be available after school until 3:30 if students have questions. As always, you can reach me by email. |
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