If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at [email protected] _______________________________ Since the official school progress reports were sent out on the Friday before Thanksgiving, I will not be sending one home on Monday, November 28.. 6th grade Religion: Monday: no class due to elective day schedule Tuesday: practice songs for Christmas program read 318-323 in text about Advent watch video: Advent tradition Wednesday: Bible search review: penance Thursday: penance service Friday: song practice ____________________________________-__ 6th grade English Monday: flashcards unit 7 Tuesday: continue persuasive writing --finish rough drafts rough drafts due typed Friday Wednesday: English Test unit 3 Thursday: completing the sentence unit 7 English p. 144, 175 Friday: p. 145-146 aloud vocab. bingo ________________________________ 6th grade Reading Monday: silent reading grammar: p. 100-101 #2-46 evens to prepare for Wednesday's test Tuesday: silent reading TFK election worksheet Wednesday: silent reading library begin class novel: Flying Solo Thursday: silent reading read to kinders Friday: silent reading TFK worksheet __________________ 8th grade English Monday-flashcards unit 8 Tuesday: library finish movie Wednesday: graphic organizer: persuasive speech/essay completing the sentence unit 8 Thursday: currently December rough draft write essay from organizer, due typed 12/7 Friday: no class due to minimum day schedule _______________________ 8th grade reading Monday: silent reading Anne Frank questions hand out study guide Tuesday: silent read Anne Frank movie Wednesday: silent read Anne Frank test Thursday: silent reading activity about the Holocaust Friday: no class due to minimum day schedule Attention 8th graders: We will be reading To Kill a Mockingbird after we finish Anne Frank. You will need to purchase your own copy of the book because we will annotate it. This means you will need to write in it. Please do this soon. You will need to have your book after Thanksgiving. You can purchase it at Barnes and Noble or online.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at [email protected] ____________________________________________- You may notice that some things are repeated on this blog from last week, especially with 6th grade. We had a busy week with preparing for the veterans assembly and visiting the elderly at two locations. We did not get to everything we had planned, so some things were postponed to this week. I apologize for any inconvenience, but sometimes certain things take priority. Last week's activities were certainly worthwhile for our students and for those they served. _______________________________ 6th grade Religion: Monday: practice songs for Christmas program Tuesday: pack shoeboxes in faith families...please be sure you have brought your items Wednesday: handwriting, watch school performance of Thanksgiving program Thursday: Bible search Friday: song practice ____________________________________-__ 6th grade English Monday: no class due to schedule for electives Tuesday: begin vocab. review p. 80-82 continue work on graphic organizer for persuasive speech Wednesday: vocab. p. 83 writing: write introduction for persuasive speech Thursday: writing-continue with persuasive speeches grammar worksheet Friday: grammar: p. 96 #1-8 vocab. bingo ________________________________ 6th grade Reading Monday: silent reading Time for Kids: American Symbol Tuesday: finish TFK worksheet Wednesday: library TFK extra Thursday: silent reading read to kinders Friday: silent reading watch Charlie Brown Thanksgiving __________________ 8th grade English Monday-grammar-p. 97-98 #1-8 go over Holocaust vocabulary Tuesday: library syn/ant unit 7 p. 111 #1-13 grammar Wednesday: watch Short Life of Anne Frank Documentary Thursday: Spelling/vocab. tests unit 7 review p. 102 evens Friday: p. 103 #38-76 together vocab. bingo _______________________ 8th grade reading Monday: silent reading Anne Frank Tuesday: silent read Anne Frank Wednesday: silent read Anne Frank Thursday: silent reading Anne Frank Friday: silent read Anne Frank Attention 8th graders: We will be reading To Kill a Mockingbird after we finish Anne Frank. You will need to purchase your own copy of the book because we will annotate it. This means you will need to write in it. Please do this soon. You will need to have your book after Thanksgiving. You can purchase it at Barnes and Noble or online.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at [email protected] Homework help: There will be no homework help on Thursday, November 10. Sorry for the inconvenience. _______________________________ Planners: Parents, please help me out by not signing a blank planner and not signing the planner for the whole week at one time. If the planner is to be of most benefit to the students, it must be utilized correctly. It is the student's responsibility to correctly fill out the planner each day with that day's homework. If the parent signs a blank planner, the child will not see the importance of filling it out. I would like to make the suggestion that if your child brings you a blank planner to sign, PLEASE have them fill in the homework before signing it. It should really be filled out before leaving school so that they can be sure they have written down the correct assignments. Also, please be sure to check the planner on a daily basis and sign it. It is the student's responsibility to ask you to do this. By 6th grade, they are capable of handling this responsibility. Just a thought: when my son was in school at OLM (he is now in high school), I would not sign his planner at school, even though I worked on campus. It was his responsibility to take care of this the night before. If not, he faced the consequence at school. Any students without their planners signed will be given a red card. Five red cards in 2 weeks will result in a detention. Teaching responsibility at this age goes a long way in creating successful learners. ___________________________________ 6th grade Religion: Monday: practice prayer service and songs for the elderly for Wednesday Tuesday: practice prayer service and songs for the elderly Wednesday: Bible search Thursday: assembly to honor veterans....If you know a veteran, please invite him/her. We will be honoring veterans at 8:30AM in the auditorium. Friday: no school due to Veterans' Day ____________________________________- 6th grade English Monday: vocab. words hand motions choosing the right word unit 6 grammar: worksheet p. 21-22 Tuesday: persuasive writing graphic organizer Wednesday: grammar: p, 96 #1-8 spelling baseball to prepare for Thursday's test Thursday: spelling/vocab. tests unit 6 grammar: p. 97 #9-18 Friday: no school due to Veterans' Day ________________________________ 6th grade Reading Monday: silent reading finish TFK from Friday Tuesday: Book test Wednesday: visit the elderly at Park Merced Thursday: silent reading read to kinders Friday: no school The next book test will be Tuesday, November 8. __________________ 8th grade English Monday-vocab. review p. 82-83, 87 grammar: p. 109 #1-33 Tuesday: library flashcards unit 7 Wednesday: grammar: p. 95-96 Holocaust vocabulary Thursday: completing the sentence unit 7 grammar: p. 110 Friday: no school _______________________ 8th grade reading Monday: no class due to electives Tuesday: silent read Anne Frank Wednesday: silent read Anne Frank Thursday: silent reading Anne Frank Friday: no school |
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