December 4-8
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected] ___________________________________________________________ 6th graders: We will be needing a ruler in art this week. Many 6th graders have lost their rulers. If you do not have one, please get one to bring to art class this Thursday. I had several to loan out; unfortunately, those have gone missing as well. ___________________________________________ We recently did our diocesan safe environment lesson. For 6th grade this is about internet safety. A parent packet was sent home. Please read and discuss with your child and return the signed back page by Wednesday, December 6. _______________________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday- faith journal: How can you be kinder than necessary? text: p. 51-55 Tuesday-practice Advent prayer p. 56-59 Bible Trivia Wednesday- Bible search Thursday-Penance service Friday-Mass--Feast of the Immaculate Conception _______________________________________________ 6th Grade English Monday- completing the sentence unit 7 poetry: writing diamantes...rough drafts Tuesday-speeches. Final drafts of persuasive speeches are due today! Students who wish to try out for the speech festival should have their speeches prepared to deliver to the class today. We will select 3 to represent OLM in the county speech festival. Wednesday-synonyms/antonyms unit 7, ctrw unit 7 diamante final drafts Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 7 writing: write your own in the book/movie Wonder Friday- p. 89-90 vocab. bingo _______________________________________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-silent reading Wonder play Tuesday-silent reading Time for Kids Extra credit book worksheet given out to prepare for the upcoming book test Wednesday-library Wonder-point of view writing Thursday-silent reading kinder buddies Friday-silent reading Time for Kids ___________________________________ 8th grade English Monday-no class due to schedule for electives Tuesday-library non-fiction book test Wednesday- Currently December rough drafts completing the sentence unit 8 Thursday- Currently December final drafts Friday--8th grade songs due today! 25 extra credit points for those who sing for the class today! _____________________________________________ 8th grade reading--All 8th graders will need to buy the book To Kill a Mockingbird. We will be reading and annotating the book. Students will turn in the book after every chapter. Books can be purchased at Barnes and Noble, Target,, or any bookstore. You may also borrow a copy from someone, but you will NOT be allowed to use a book that is already annotated (such as from a past OLM student). Books must not have markings in them before we start. _________________________________________ Monday-no class due to schedule for electives Tuesday-silent reading speeches-final drafts due today! Those students who wish to try out for the speech festival should be prepared to deliver their speeches to the class today. We will select 3 to represent OLM in the county speech festival. Wednesday-silent reading Anne Frank movie Thursday-silent reading Anne Frank movie Friday-- silent reading Anne Frank Test....this will depend on if we finish the book and the movie...the date may need to be changed. 0 CommentsNovember 09th, 20
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected]
___________________________________________________________ 6th graders: We will be needing a ruler in art this week. Many 6th graders have lost their rulers. If you do not have one, please get one to bring to art class this Thursday. I had several to loan out; unfortunately, those have gone missing as well. ___________________________________________ Attention parents who attended camp: We need your photos as soon as possible. They will be used for our scrapbook for the 6th grade auction donation. Please put all of your photos on a CD or flashdrive and send them in to Mrs. Lorenzi for Mrs. Covert. Mr. Dimsey offered to help if any parents need help saving their photos to flashdrives. He is available to help all days except Wednesday at 2:45 in the computer lab. We need all photos by Friday, December 1. _______________________________________ No homework help: I will not be able to have homework help on Thursday, November 30. I apologize for the inconvenience. Please plan to make other arrangements. __________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday- handwriting Advent lesson-p. 318-323 Tuesday-text p. 51-55 prepare for Advent penance services Wednesday- text: p. 56-59 Bible trivia Thursday-Bible search Friday-Mass _______________________________________________ 6th Grade English Monday- no class due to schedule for electives Tuesday-flashcards unit 7 grammar: p. 86-87 Wednesday-cards for Jake English p. 107 Thursday-cts unit 7 English p. 89-90 Friday- Mass _______________________________________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-silent reading Wonder play Tuesday-silent reading Time for Kids Wednesday-library Time for Kids worksheet Thursday-silent reading kinder buddies Friday-silent reading Time for Kids ___________________________________ 8th grade English Monday-flashcards unit 7 Tuesday-library edits 19/20 cts unit 7 Wednesday- English p 305-307 synonyms/antonyms unit 7 Thursday- spelling/vocab. tests unit 7 writing: 8th grade songs Friday--flashcards unit 8 _____________________________________________ 8th grade reading--All 8th graders will need to buy the book To Kill a Mockingbird. They should have these books, by the time we return from Thanksgiving break. We will be reading and annotating the book. Students will turn in the book after every chapter. Books can be purchased at Barnes and Noble, Target,, or any bookstore. You may also borrow a copy from someone, but you will NOT be allowed to use a book that is already annotated (such as from a past OLM student). Books must not have markings in them before we start. _________________________________________ Monday-silent reading Anne Frank Tuesday-silent reading Anne Frank Wednesday-silent reading Anne Frank Thursday-silent reading Anne Frank Friday-- silent reading Anne Frank If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected]
___________________________________________________________ Fall program: The 6th grade will be in the fall program this year. It will be on November 15. Please mark your calendar to attend. ______________________________________________________________ Thank you! Thank you to the parents who drove for us on Wednesday, November 8 for our prayer service at Park Merced _____________________________________ Wonder Field Trip--We are so lucky to have a private screening for the movie Wonder. If you signed up to attend/drive, please note, the trip is Friday. ______________________________________________________ 6th graders: We will be needing a ruler in art this week. Many 6th graders have lost their rulers. If you do not have one, please get one to bring to art class this Thursday. I had several to loan out; unfortunately, those have gone missing as well. ___________________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday- pack shoeboxes in faith sure to bring your items. 6th graders are to bring 2 small toys. Tuesday-make cards Wednesday- rehearsal for fall program Thursday-Bible search Friday-Thanksgiving prayer service _______________________________________________ 6th Grade English Monday- make cards practice Grateful Tuesday-practice Grateful for fall program Wonder Wednesday-Rough drafts of speeches due! Typed= 25 pts. extra credit grammar: p. 84-85 Wonder Thursday-grammar: p. 106 Wonder Friday- Movie Wonder _______________________________________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-no class due to schedule for electives Tuesday-silent reading Time for Kids Wednesday-library Wonder Thursday-silent reading kinder buddies Friday-Trip to see Wonder ___________________________________ 8th grade English Monday-no class due to cycle for electives Tuesday-library Currently November final drafts Wednesday-Rough drafts of speeches due, typed = 25pts. extra credit English p 34-35 Anne Frank Thursday- grammar p. 51 vocab. bingo Friday--trip to see Wonder _____________________________________________ 8th grade reading--All 8th graders will need to buy the book To Kill a Mockingbird. They should have these books, by the time we return from Thanksgiving break. We will be reading and annotating the book. Students will turn in the book after every chapter. Books can be purchased at Barnes and Noble, Target,, or any bookstore. You may also borrow a copy from someone, but you will NOT be allowed to use a book that is already annotated (such as from a past OLM student). Books must not have markings in them before we start. _________________________________________ Monday-silent reading Anne Frank Tuesday-silent reading Anne Frank Wednesday-silent reading Anne Frank faith family activity--making ornaments for the courthouse trees Thursday-silent reading Anne Frank Friday-- silent reading Anne Frank ![]() If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected] ___________________________________________________________ Thank you: Thank you so much for the response to our need to find homes for kittens. The kittens are now all in good homes. My parents decided to keep 2, and the other 4 found very loving homes. Meet Scarlett and Charlie...the two that my parents are keeping. _____________________________________ Fall program: The 6th grade will be in the fall program this year. It will be on November 15. Please mark your calendar to attend. ______________________________________________________________ Your help is needed: We do not have enough drivers to visit the elderly on Wednesday 11/8. We are having a prayer service for the elderly at Park Merced at 11AM. Please email if you have not signed up but are able to drive. ______________________________________ Homework help: I enjoy offering homework help to my students; however, lately, we have some students who are choosing to not use their time wisely. If they wish to stay at homework help, they must be working on homework or studying. They may work together, but they may not just sit and visit. Please discuss the importance of this with your student. If they are not productive on homework, they will be sent to extended care. We must teach our children to use their time wisely and to persist even when work is difficult. They should not give up on the work and use the time to talk. Persistence is a wonderful skill that they can learn and improve, and that will greatly benefit them in their futures. Please help us to instill this in them. ___________________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday- practice for fall program make cards for veterans Tuesday-practice prayer service for the elderly read and discuss text: p. 51-55 Wednesday- practice prayer service Bible search Thursday-Veterans' assembly Friday-no school in honor of Veterans Day _______________________________________________ 6th Grade English Monday- synonyms/antonyms unit 6 Tuesday-practice for fall program choosing the right word unit 6 English: p. 33-34 Wednesday-practice for fall program English p.84-85 Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 6 English p. 1i06 Friday- no school _______________________________________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-no class due to cycle for electives Tuesday-silent reading Wonder Time for Kids Wednesday-prayer service at Park Merced Thursday-silent reading kinder buddies Friday-no school ___________________________________ 8th grade English Monday-no class due to cycle for electives Tuesday-library Currently November rough draft Holocaust vocabulary Wednesday-choosing the right word unit 6 English p 34-35 Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 6 Currently November Final drafts Friday--no school _____________________________________________ 8th grade reading Monday-silent reading Anne Frank Tuesday-silent reading Anne Frank Wednesday-silent reading Anne Frank Thursday-silent reading Anne Frank Friday-- no school |
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