Welcome to 6th grade!
__________________________________________ If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected] _____________________________________________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday- Memorial Mass for Deacon Joe Tuesday-practice prayer service for the elderly Wednesday-text Thursday-Bible search Friday-no class due to minimum day schedule ________________________ 6th Grade English Monday-practice prayer service flashcards unit 9 Tuesday-vocab. chart unit 9 grammar P. 84-85 Wednesday-writing: limericks Thursday-completing the sentence unit 9 grammar: p. 86-87 one source for report due--this will be discussed in class on Monday or Tuesday Friday-handwriting: 3 pages vocab. bingo ___________________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-silent reading Time for Kids Tuesday-silent reading Time for Kids-"On the Job" worksheet Wednesday-prayer service at Park Merced Thursday-silent reading read to kinders Friday- silent reading Time for Kids The next 6th grade book test will be Tuesday, January 15. ________________________________________ 8th Grade English Monday-vocab. unit 10 chart cts unit 10 Tuesday- library Edits worksheet Wednesday- Syn/ant/ctrw unit 10 diamante poems due Thurs. Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 10 Currently January rough drafts Friday-Currently January final drafts ___________________________________ 8th Grade Reading Monday-silent reading TKAM chapter 10 Tuesday-silent reading TKAM chapter 11 Wednesday-silent reading TKAM chapter 12 Thursday-silent reading TKAM chapter 13 Friday-silent reading TKAM chapter 14 _________________________ 0 Comments
Welcome to 6th grade!
__________________________________________ If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected] _____________________________________________________________________ Attention 6th grade parents: A note was sent home regarding the auction, our biggest fundraiser. The 6th grade is going to have a photo book made from 6th grade camp. We are going to make a camping theme package to go with it. We are asking for $15 to help cover costs for all items. Money is due to Tisha McParland before Christmas break. Please send this in an envelope labeled for Class Auction with your child's name on it. Thank you so much to those who have already contributed! If you are unable to send $15, please contribute what you can. Also, if you have any photos from camp please email them to Tisha at [email protected]. Thank you! _______________________________________________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday- Catholic Jeopardy Tuesday-Christmas lesson Wednesday-Watch the Grinch cartoon and discuss Thursday-Bible search cards for the elderly Friday-Christmas assembly ________________________ 6th Grade English Monday-no class due to schedule for electives Tuesday-Syn/ant/ctrw unit 8--no test on this unit handwriting 3 pages Wednesday-Continue with discussion of Grinch activity Thursday-Elf movie Friday-Christmas activities ___________________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-silent reading finish "America Votes" Flying Solo Quizizz Tuesday-silent reading Time for Kids-"On the Job" Wednesday-library Christmas puzzles Thursday-silent reading read to kinders Time for Kids worksheet Friday- Christmas party ________________________________________ 8th Grade English Monday-Point of view writing Tuesday- library Webquest Wednesday-Christmas puzzles Thursday-Elf movie Friday-Christmas party in homeroom ___________________________________ 8th Grade Reading Monday-silent reading TKAM chapter 9 Tuesday-webquest-due Thursday Wednesday-silent reading To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 10 in class Thursday-Elf movie Friday-Christmas party in homeroom _________________________ 0 Comments Welcome to 6th grade!
__________________________________________ If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at s[email protected] _____________________________________________________________________ Attention 6th grade parents: A note was sent home last Thursday regarding the auction, our biggest fundraiser. The 6th grade is going to have a photo book made from 6th grade camp. We are going to make a camping theme package to go with it. We are asking for $15 to help cover costs for all items. Money is due to Tisha McParland before Christmas break. Please send this in an envelope labeled for Class Auction with your child's name on it. If you are unable to send $15, please contribute what you can. Also, if you have any photos from camp please email them to Tisha at [email protected]. Thank you! _______________________________________________________________________ 6th grade Religion Monday- Catholic jeopardy Tuesday-finish Advent lesson, begin Christmas lessson Wednesday-Christmas lesson Safe environment internet lesson Thursday-Bible search Friday-song practice ________________________ 6th Grade English Monday-vocab. chart i English p. 26-27 Tuesday-flashcards unit 8 handwriting: Gloria Wednesday-point of view writing: 1 page skipping lines on chromebooks-write from the point of view of someone in the Nativity. For extra credit, you may write an extra one from the point of view of a historical figure. No homework passes allowed---these are for the writing festival. Thursday-cts unit 8 grammar p. 28, 48 Flying Solo Quizizz Friday-English p. 29-30 Ruzzle ___________________________ Reading 6th grade Monday-no class due to electives schedule Tuesday-silent reading TFK-"Disaster Relief Done Right" Wednesday-library Flying Solo Time for Kids-"America Votes" Thursday-silent reading read to kinders Flying Solo Friday- silent reading Time for Kids-finish "America Votes" ________________________________________ 8th Grade English Monday-no class due to electives schedule Tuesday- library Christmas writing rough drafts Wednesday-handwriting -3 pages Edits worksheet Thursday-Spelling/vocab. tests unit 9 Final drafts Christmas writing Friday-Vocab. review unit ___________________________________ 8th Grade Reading Monday-silent reading TKAM chapter 7 Tuesday-silent reading To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 8 Wednesday-silent reading To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 9 Thursday-silent reading To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 10 Friday-silent reading TKAM chapter 11 _________________________ 0 Comments |
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May 2020
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