It was wonderful to see so many visit our school library during Sunday's open house. The used book and VHS tape give-away was successful.
Thank you for your generous donations to the library. I continue to update the collection.
Greetings OLM Family!
As you know this Sunday, August 28th, is the date of our annual Open House. The hours will be from 11:00am to 1:00pm. Come by and say, "Hello!" There will be an assortment of used books available in the library for you to take home and add to your home library. Do you have a VCR? There will be a variety of educational/or entertaining VHS tapes available also. Please come in and browse. Welcome to Our Lady of Mercy Elementary School's 89th year!
I'm looking forward to working with the students and teachers as we foster a love of reading. Open House August 28, 2015 Please visit Our Lady of Mercy School on Sunday, August 28th, for an open house. Check out the campus (classrooms, computer lab, library, etc.) and enjoy a hearty lunch. (Tickets for the lunch are available in the office). Thank You! Thanks to all who donated books to the library. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Safe Environment Training If you intend to volunteer in any capacity at Our Lady of Mercy School where you will have contact with children, you are required to participate in a Safe Environment Training session and be finger printed. This includes volunteering in the library for the book fairs. If you participated in the training last year, you do not have attend safe environment training this year. However, if you did not have safe environment training last year or you are new to Our Lady of Mercy School, you must attend Safe Environment Training this year. There will be a training session on Wednesday, August 10th at 6:00pm in the auditorium. Remember, ALL VOLUNTEERS must attend a Safe Environment Training session. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Blackburn. Here are a few thoughts on reading books (not electronic devices) with and to your children and grandchildren: Read to your child(ren) every day. He’s building his vocabulary and imagination, while mom scores cuddle time and helps calm him. Story time is a win-win all around. Whether it’s a classic such as Where the Wild Things Are or a new bestseller like The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep, bedtime stories have always been a big hit with little kids. They’re a hit with moms, dads, and educators too, thanks to the awesomebrain and behavioral outcomes they offer. Reams of studies link reading aloud to kids with academic success, creativity, and a stronger bond between parents and their offspring. But it’s only recently that science has started looking into why books promote these benefits. One recent study from Psychological Science suggests that being read to builds a child’s vocabulary, and that in turn makes her more prepared to learn to read in the future. Study authors evaluated the types and variety of words in 100 picture books and then compared them to the words toddlers and preschoolers use and hear when communicating with their parents and caregivers. “Our study found that the books contained more unique words,” study coauthor Jessica Montag, assistant research psychologist at the University of California Riverside, tells Yahoo Parenting. The thinking is, “the more unique words kids are exposed to when they’re very young, the bigger their own vocabulary gets — and that makes it easier to learn to read.” Previous studies have shown that the faster they pick up reading, the more academically successful they can be. Another study out last month linked story time to a boost in brainpower. Researchers from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center found that kids ages 3 to 5 whose parents read to them at home and had more reading materials in their house demonstrated more brain activity in the left side of the brain. What’s that mean? The left side is where word comprehension, language, and imagery are processed. The study suggests that the more kids are read to, the more connections they make between words and objects. These new connections literally change their brain, preparing them academically and socially, Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus, study coauthor and program director of the Reading and Literacy Discovery Center at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, told Yahoo Parenting earlier this month. Story time has nonacademic benefits, too. Reading helps relax kids (hence the point of reading to them at bedtime), and the close physical interaction of lying on or near a parent helps them feel secure and connected. For all these reasons, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that moms and dads begin reading to kids when they are infants, setting aside a special time (even for just a few minutes), cuddling up, and letting little ones select the book to read from (kids love to make choices). As for what to read at bedtime, “a variety of books that feature a diversity of words is good, but given how important it is to help build language skills in kids, the best book is the one your child wants to listen to,” says Montag. A few suggestions from Yahoo Parenting: Goodnight Moon, Llama Llama Red Pajama, Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes, How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?, and All the Ways I Love You |
AuthorHi! I'm Theresa Poole. Welcome to Mrs. Poole's Library Blog. I have been with Our Lady of Mercy School since 1997. My first assignment was teaching second grade. After a few years I taught kindergarten, which I taught for six years. Archives
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