Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned.
Sixth Science Monday Begin Chapter 9 pages 212- 217 Chapter 9 vocabulary due Thurs. Tuesday Lab/ Computers Wednesday Lab/ Computers Thursday Pages 217-223 Friday (cycle no class) Seventh Language Arts Writing Speech presentations Tues.-Fri. Poems 2-12 line poems due Wed., 3/4 (one rhyming and one free verse) If you wish to submit other poems do so by Thurs. p.m. Reading Glory Field 1960s section Test Tues. Book test Thurs. April 9th (medal winning book) Grammar Page 317 8-15 due Thurs. Vocabulary Pages 129 -130 due Wed. BWR Units 1-3 due Thurs. BWR Units 1-4 due Fri.. Eighth Grade Art and PE Art/ PE Dinner show last period.
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