Congratulations!! It's our last week of school, we did it!! I would like to send a big thank you to all the students for all their hard work they have done this year, and to the parents for all their help. It was a pleasure getting to know all of you and I have truly enjoyed having you all as my first students at OLM school! I hope to see you all when you drop off your books! Please remember to bring all your textbooks, Library books, and class Library books. I'm missing our class book "A Dog's Purpose" so if you borrowed it, please make sure to return it.
Zoom meeting was cancelled today due to a staff meeting. Rescheduled for tomorrow 2pm. I am not accepting any more work. All your missing assignments were due last Friday by 3pm. There will be no work this week. I've listed some virtual tours below you can do for fun! Have a great week and I hope to see you all at drop offs! California Missions Foundation Virtual Tour Smithsonian- National Museum of Natural History Virtual Tour Yosemite National Park Virtual Tour Play "Oregon Trail" game
Today would've been the 8th grade Carnival. Let us say a prayer for our 8th graders! Send them all our love and support. Ask God to help them stay strong, have faith, and keep their spirits up. Pray that we will be able to celebrate with them very soon!
There is one assignment left to complete for the year. Check the weekly schedule below. Since we would've been playing games today, I've linked a game I would like you all to play. It's called-- "Oregon Trail" Click the link Mrs. Elam gave me this idea. I used to love to play this game when I was at OLM! I tried it yesterday and my whole crew did not make it to Oregon :( Hopefully you guys will stay alive! Have fun today!! You deserve it. But only play the game if you have all your assignments turned in. ***MISSING ASSIGNMENTS**** Please turn in all your missing assignments by 3pm today!! I know this quarter has been unlike any other, but don't give up!! Do your best and get in everything that you can!! Check google classroom and Option C for assignment lists. Have an amazing Memorial Day Weekend!!! Say a prayer for our heroes and their families and let us honor all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice! NO ZOOM TODAY!!! I'm sorry, something has come up. We will Zoom next Tuesday!!
Catch up on your assignments!! Find some books on Epic to read if you have completed all your missing assignments. You need to catch up on your assignments in google classroom if you are behind. Click through each class and turn in your missing work. Check Khan, Studiesweekly, and Epic. Everything that is graded will go back to your email, and is available to view in google classroom with my comments. Check the assignment lists for each class on Option C. Will show you everything that is/will be graded. I'm still entering in grades, so make sure you are checking through google classroom. Due Friday!! Get all your missing assignments turned in!! Friday 5/22 is the last day to turn everything in. Go through each class in google classroom and check for missing assignments. Log into studies weekly and take the tests, quizzes on Epic, lessons/tests on Khan Academy, and lessons on IXL. All login in instructions and assignments can be found on the weekly and daily blog posts.
You can also check Option C for missing assignments. There are assignments that will be entered, so best place to check is google classroom, Khan, Epic, Studies weekly, and IXL. You can also check your email. Everything that has been graded goes to your inbox and google classroom. Those of you who are all caught up! Congrats!! You're doing great, keep up the fantastic work!! Zoom meeting today at 11am! Attendance will be taken. Make sure to have your Journeys Readers with you. We will be reading "The Fun They Had." It's a science fiction story set in the future.
Everyone with missing assignments needs to have them turned in by Friday, May 22nd. Grades will be out next week. You will also be given a time frame to return books, chromebooks, and pick up belongings from desks next Thursday 5/28 and Friday 5/29. I will update when time is set. I hope everyone had a nice weekend!! We are almost done with school!! This is our last week of assignments. It will be very light, so please turn in ALL of your missing assignments.
Look through each class in google classroom. Any questions on assignments can be answered on the blog under the date it was assigned. If you are all caught up, way to go!! Complete everything for the week and you are done! If you didn't get a chance last week, please watch the video the OLM Staff created for you. Go to --> For Current OLM Families --> 2020 Video. MONDAY 5/18
*Attendance- Question on google classroom "Class 2024." Religion- Watch the video "Creation and the Angels" on and "Saint Michael the Archangel" on youtube. Login and links in google classroom. Create a doc and type 3 facts. "Creation and the Angels" "Saint Michael the Archangel" on youtube. Math- Khan Academy Lesson on "Adding and Subtracting: Word Problems" and "Add and Subtract Fractions: Quiz 1." There are 3 videos, 7 questions, and a 5 question Quiz. Language Arts- Unit 5 Lesson 25. Read the Vocabulary in Context pages 740-741. Use the 10 Vocab words to create your own sentences to show your understanding of each word. Create a doc in google classroom under Reading. Social Studies- Week 35 "California Government" Watch the 3 videos and read "California's Great State Capitol: The People's Building" and "California Governor Hiram Johnson" and "California's Government." Answer any questions or play any games to help your understanding. TUESDAY 5/19 *Attendance- Will be taken during our Zoom meeting at 11am. All missing assignments are due this Friday, May 22nd. Please go through each class in google classroom and turn in ALL assignments. Log into Khan Academy, IXL, Epic, and also and turn in all missing work. Please go back to the blog if you have any questions. All assignments are listed in detail under weekly schedules. Religion- Pray the rosary today. It's Tuesday, so we will reflect on the Sorrowful Mysteries. Then finish any assignments that have not been completed or turned in. Math- Khan Academy. Finish the lessons assigned yesterday, or any other missing work. Language Arts- Zoom meeting today at 11am. We will be reading "The Fun They Had" pages 744- 753. It's a Science Fiction story set in the future. Social Studies- Finish reading week 35. Watch all 6 videos before each section, "American Indians Today," "Rights and Responsibilities," "Ben Franklin" and "Taxes." Watch "The Benefits of Government Intro" video before Think & Review questions. Complete the test on Make sure to go back and reread any articles to help answer the questions. WEDNESDAY 5/20 Please go through each class in google classroom and turn in your missing assignments!! Log into Khan Academy, Studiesweekly, Epic, and IXL and complete all the assignments. Also check your grades/missing assignments on Option C. All assignments are due this Friday, May 22nd. Any questions, go back through the blog. All the assignments are listed in detail under weekly schedules. Math- Khan Academy- Finish all assignments. For IXL practice any highlighted skills. Your classwork/scores on Khan and IXL will be used to calculate your grade on Option C, so please make sure you are completing all your assignments. You can retake any lesson/Test on Khan Academy for a higher score, so I suggest you work on Khan Academy today. Language Arts- I assigned a video to watch on Epic about our Former California Governor-- one of the best and beloved presidents of the United States, President Ronald Reagan!! Finish reading any books and take any quizzes you have missed. Go to and enter the class code xhk0656 select your name and get started. Studies Weekly- Please start the last week 36 "California Education System." Watch all the videos and read through the first 3 sections. THURSDAY 5/21 NO ZOOM TODAY!!!! I'm sorry for the last minute cancellation. Something has come up. Same as Wednesday. Get in all your missing assignments in google classroom! Log into Khan, Studiesweekly, and Epic. If you are all caught up...Way to go!! Spend the day outside, or find a good book to read on Epic. Take a virtual tour. I will post one tomorrow, see if you can find a fun one today!! Remember all assignments are due FRIDAY!! FRIDAY 5/22 It's Fun Friday!!! Today would've been the 8th grade Carnival. Let us say a prayer for our 8th graders. That they stay strong and keep their spirits up during these tough times. Pray that we will be able to celebrate with them very soon! Social Studies- Finish reading Week 36 "California Education System." Watch all the videos and read through each section. Answer the questions and play games to help with understanding. Since we would've been playing games today, I've linked a game I would like you to play. It's called "Oregon Trail" Link below. Mrs Elam gave me this idea. I used to love to play this game when I was at OLM! I tried it yesterday and my whole crew did not make it to Oregon :( Hopefully you guys will stay alive! Have fun today!! You deserve it. But only play the game if you have all your assignments turned in. ***MISSING ASSIGNMENTS**** Please turn in all your missing assignments by 3pm today!! No exceptions. I know this quarter has been unlike any other, but don't give up!! Do your best and get in everything that you can!! Check google classroom and Option C for assignment lists. The OLM staff has made a video for all of you!! Please go to, click For Current OLM Families, 2020 video!!
Zoom meeting today at 11am! Please join us for some library time with Mrs. Poole. I will be taking attendance, so make sure you don't miss out on the fun! Please watch the video for Religion "Together in Spirit: A Virtual Pilgrimage to Fatima" to celebrate May 13th, the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima. It's a beautiful, very spiritual video. Exactly the message we need right now. I encourage you all to watch it together with your families! ****UPDATE****
Thanks for joining the Zoom meeting! I had so much fun drawing a Sea Otter with you today. They all looked super cute, you all did an awesome job!! Can't wait to see them colored. I posted the step by step instructions in google slides. I sent everyone a link with the google slide presentation to their email, and I posted the link in google classroom under "Class 2024" stream. Finish reading week 34 in Social Studies today, and make sure to watch all the videos. No assignment to turn in, just finish reading on Only a few weeks of school left!! Please keep going through google classroom and turn in any missing assignments. Keep up the good work! Zoom meeting today at 11am!! I will be taking attendance so please make to attend. MONDAY 5/11
*Attendance- Please answer the question in "Class 2024" in google classroom. Religion- Unit 2 "God's Gift of Self" in our "Family Life" book. Read the pages in google classroom and create a google doc to answer the questions. Math- IXL Fractions Review for 20 mins. I highlighted the section below. P. Fraction Equivalence and Ordering #1 Fractions Review Then go back through Khan Academy and finish any lessons you have not completed yet, or redo any lessons you received a low score (marked in red). Rewatch any videos, and answer the questions that follow. Please retake the Unit test if you received a low score, or if you would like to higher you score. These scores will count as part of your grade, so please retake if needed. Language Arts- Silent read "The Earth Dragon Awakes." If you have not finished your reading comprehension questions, please turn them in today. Study the story and questions. Reading Test will be on Tuesday. Vocabulary test on Wednesday. Grammar- RN 154 in google classroom, English class. Please create a google doc and type your answers OR write in our notebook and take a pic/scan and attach to the assignment. Social Studies- Week 34 "California Water and Agriculture." Watch the video, "Dams and the Environment." and read the section "Moving California's Water." You can silent read, read aloud, or have follow along with the reader on Feel free to answer any questions to help your understanding of each section. Science- Start Chapter 3 "Soil- A Natural Resource." Write out your Vocabulary terms on page B60. There are 6 of them. You can write them on notecards or binder paper. Read Lesson 1 "How Does Soil Form?" pages B64-B67 and answer the Review Questions page B67 #1-5. Create a google doc and type your answers in google classroom. TUESDAY 5/12 *Attendance- Zoom meeting at 11am will be used for attendance today. Religion- Lesson 4 "Acting on My Feelings" read attached pages in google classroom and create a google doc and complete the activity on page 30. Math- Finish IXL and Khan Academy lessons from yesterday. Language Arts- Study or silent read "The Earth Dragon Awakes" if you didn't read it yesterday. Create a google doc and write the letter of your choices for #1-10. Social Studies- We will be finishing reading week 34 on our Zoom meeting today. Science- Lesson 2 "What Are Some Properties of Soil?" Read B70-B73. Create a google doc and answer Review Questions #1-5 on pages B73. Go through each class in google classroom and turn in any missing assignments. There is only a couple of weeks of school left, so please don't leave these till the last minute! WEDNESDAY 5/13 *Attendance question in google classroom under "Class 2024" Religion- Please watch the links below and write 3 facts for each video. Create a google doc and write a total of 9 facts. Please label each section with the Saint you are writing about. Type in my password and login in google classroom. Math- Please complete any IXL or Khan Academy lessons that have not been completed. Practice your multiplication times tables/flash cards for 20 mins. Language Arts- Finish any Epic assignments that have not been completed. Many of you have not signed in, please do so today. Go to and enter the class code xhk0656 select your name and you're in! You'll find the assignments I have assigned you. Please finish those today. Silent read a book of your choice for 30 mins! Vocabulary- Test moved to Thursday. Please study your vocab words on pages 344-345 in your Journey's Reader. Social Studies- If you did not finish reading all the articles and watching the videos on Studies Weekly, please do so today. Complete Think & Review Questions in google classroom. Science- Read Lesson 3 "What are Some Ways to Conserve Soil?" pages B76-B81 and do WB 115 in google classroom. THURSDAY 5/14 *Attendance will be taken during our Zoom meeting at 11am. Mrs. Poole will be reading to us again! It will be great to have more library time!! Religion- Please watch "Together in Spirit: A Virtual Pilgrimage to Fatima" to celebrate May 13th, the feast day of our Lady of Fatima. It is so beautiful!! Link below: Answer the 7 questions in google classroom. Then check out the "Fatima" facebook page giving all the details of the movie coming to theaters August 14th. Math- I just checked IXL and Khan Academy scores. I only have 12 students signed into IXL this week working on the Fractions lessons. For Khan Academy, 11 students have not done ANY assignment. This is your grade!! Please log into both Khan and IXL and complete the lessons. There is absolutely no reason why students should go all week without logging in. If you have completed all lessons congrats!!! You get to take a break from Math for the day :) Language Arts- "The Earth Dragon Awakes" Vocabulary Test. Take the multiple choice test in google classroom under English. Please read the "What About California?" book I assigned on Epic last week. If you have finished all the assigned readings, congrats!!! You can take a break from reading for today, or you can choose any book to explore on Epic. Great job!!! Social Studies- Finish any readings/videos for week 34 and Think & Review questions. Science- Chapter Review pages B86-B87 #1-20. Create a doc in google classroom and type your answers. Only type the terms that are listed, or the letters. Use a complete sentence for #20. FRIDAY 5/15 *Attendance- Question in google classroom "Class 2024" It's fun Friday!! Wooo hooo!!! Play your favorite song and have a dance party, you deserve it!! You guys have worked so hard this week, it took a lot to keep going and not get burned out!! Please go through and turn in ALL your missing assignments listed in google classroom, Khan Academy, IXL, Epic, and Catholic Brain. Any questions you have on assignments, Math, passwords, and links, can always be answered by going back to that date on the blog. ***The only new assignments for today are listed below. Finish ALL of your missing assignments. If you're all caught up... Congrats!!! Have a great weekend!! If you're missing assignments, check google classroom and the blog. Turn them in today!! Don't leave them to the last minute. School will be over before you know it! Religion- Pray the rosary today. Reflect on the Sorrowful Mysteries. Social Studies- Week 34 assessment on Remember you can retake if you get a 5 or below so go back and get a higher score :) Have an AWESOME weekend!! Miss you all and keep up the good work!! |
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May 2020
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