Happy Catholic Schools Week!! Our theme this year is "Learn, Serve, Lead, Succeed." The schedule will be a little off this week, as we have many fun activities planned. Please check the list of activities in your family envelopes. Buddy day is on Tuesday, we are buddies with 7th grade, Mrs. Tyler's class. Please remember to bring a gift ($2 max). IMPORTANT: If you have not turned in a permission slip for mass on Friday, January 31st, please please turn it in tomorrow!!! I need to organize drivers/car arrangements back to campus. No hot lunch on Tues and Wed, students must bring their own lunch.
Homework help on Tues & Wed. ***This Week*** Tues 1/28 Buddy Day with 7th grade, bring gift and lunch Blue and White spirit free dress Rally @ 1:40pm Wed 1/29 Cherish Luncheon Bring your own lunch Thurs 1/30 "Souper" Bowl games with faith families @ 1:30pm Bring a can of soup for sports free dress Fri 1/31 Mass at St Patrick's @ 8:15am Spelling Test Unit 15 Social Studies wk 21 Weekly Assessment Teachers vs 8th grade volleyball @ 1:15pm Religion- Holy spirit worksheet and begin Chapter 11 "Commandments and the Law of Love". The Law of Love worksheet. Students will also be correcting their Chapter 10 Reviews if they received lower than 15 out of 20 pts. These are open book reviews of the chapter. There is no reason they should be getting such low scores, other than they are rushing through and not re reading the chapter. Math- Lesson 4.1 "Making and Interpreting a table." Hands on group activities in groups of 5. Lesson 4.2 "Using a Table." Math IXL on chromebooks. Language Arts- Chapters 8 and 9 "The Indian in the Cupboard." Review questions and vocabulary words. Poetry lessons on Haiku and Acrostic poetry for the upcoming writing festival. May just get to one lesson with the crazy schedules this week. Will continue next week if we need to. Spelling Unit 15 and finish grammar lessons on possessive nouns. Social Studies- Week 21 "Gold Discovered." Read and highlight important facts in class. Crossword puzzle, Think and Review questions, and a worksheet listing the contributions key figures in this week's weekly made during the Gold Rush. Science- Lesson 1 review questions/discussion. WB 61 "How do Ecosystems Change Naturally." Lesson 2 "How People Change Ecosystems." WB 65 Have a great week! GO NINERS!!!!!!!
Permission slips will be going out this week for our school mass at St. Patrick's church on Friday, January 31st. Please immediately return these permission slips so we can begin to organize drivers. Drivers are greatly appreciated, so please make sure and indicate if you are able to do so. If you have not returned your signed report cards, please do so by Friday.
Homework help Tues & Wed ***This week*** Mon Jan 20th Martin Luther King Jr. Day, no school Wed Jan 22nd Chapter 3 "Whole Digit Multiplication & Division" Test Fri Jan 24th Week 20 Assessment Reading Comprehension Test "The Indian in the Cupboard" Chapters 1-5 Spelling Unit 14 Test Sat Jan 25th Parent Club Auction Sun Jan 26th Catholic Schools Week mass @ 9am St Patrick's Church Jan 27th- 31st Catholic Schools Week- Activities to follow Religion- Chapter 10 Review. Start Chapter 11 "The Commandments & the Law of Love" Group discussion and activity. Math- Study guide for Chapter 3 and Test. Start Chapter 4 "Tables and Line graphs." Math IXL Language Arts- Read Chapters 6-8 "The Indian in the Cupboard." Reading comprehension questions and test, go over vocab. Grammar we will continue nouns, singular/plural. Writing we will be introducing Haikus, going over examples, and drafting our own. Spelling Unit 14 test. Social Studies- Week 20 "Mexican-American War" Crossword puzzle, Think and Review, Weekly Literacy Connection, and weekly assessment. Science- Start Chapter 5 "Protecting and Preserving Ecosystems." Vocabulary notecards. Read and discuss Lesson 1 on "Natural Selection." Complete review questions. Please sign and return report cards. Please make sure they are finishing their books for their book reports. The report will all be done in class, so all they need to do at home is finish reading their books. They have about 2 weeks to finish, so please make sure they are reading in their spare time.
Please remember Saint Vincent lunches are due on Fri!! This counts towards their Religion grade so please make sure to turn one in. Homework help on Tues and Wed. ***This week*** Tues 1/14 Cherish @ 10am, Mission Gardens @ 2pm Thurs 1/16 Chapter 3 Math Test "Whole Digit Multiplication & Division" Fri 1/17 Saint Vincent Lunches Social Studies Weekly Assessment Chapter 4 Science Test "Biomes" Mon 1/20 Martin Luther King Jr Day, No School!! Religion- Finish Chapter 10 "Confirmed in the Holy Spirit." Discussion and activities. Complete "The Spirit Within Us" worksheet. Math- Chapter 3 Review and study for the Chapter 3 test on Thurs. Please make sure they are reviewing their division steps and practicing their times tables. Math IXL on chrome books on Friday. Language Arts- Chatper 5 & 6 "Indian in the Cupboard." Reading comprehension questions and vocabulary. Spelling Unit 13. Grammar review on common/proper, singular/plural nouns. Will go over writing criteria for the upcoming writing festival. Social Studies- Week 19 "Bear Flag Revolt." Read and highlight important facts. Crossword puzzle, Think and Review questions, and weekly assessment. Science- Go over the chapter review and study vocab cards. Review with the Jeopardy game. Test will be on Friday. Have a great week everyone! Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone had a blessed and relaxing Christmas break and ready to start 2020 refreshed and ready to go! We're half way through the school year and I'm so proud of how far they've come. I know it's gonna be an adjustment coming back from break, but please make sure they are getting plenty of rest, staying motivated, and giving their best effort in our 3rd quarter!! As always, please continue to check/sign planners.
Homework help is Tues & Wed ***This Week*** Fri 1/10 8:15am Mass 12:30pm Dismissal Religion- Correct Chapter 9 Review, start Chapter 10 "Confirmed in the Holy Spirit." Review mass responses. Math- Review division/multiplication in real life problems. Solve multi-step word problems. Wrap up and Chapter Review. Language Arts- Continue our class read "Indian in the Cupboard." Read chapter 3 and complete review questions. Noun review and writing an informational paragraph. Spelling Unit 12. Social Studies- Week 18 "Early Settlers." Read and highlight important facts. Crossword puzzle and Think and Review. Science- Wrap up the end of Chapter 4 Biomes. Review vocab, complete homework, wrap up and complete the Chapter Review. |
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