*Please email [email protected] with any questions/concerns
Please continue to check student's homework folders, match with their circled homework assignments, please sign their planners everyday!! Signing their planners is school policy. Last week we started to sit students out of recess when their planners have returned unsigned. Please make sure students learn to be accountable for their own school success. They have also been sitting out of recess when they have not completed their homework assignments. We are trying to establish good homework/study habits that they will carry with them into 5th grade, and eventually Junior high. Thank you for your cooperation!! Homework help will be on Tues and Wed @ 2:30pm. Congratulations to team 49ers!!! So proud of this group! They were quite the class example all week and hope we continue to get closer to our goal of 300 points!! Keep up the good work!! ***This week*** Thurs Oct 3rd Vocabulary Test Grammar Test Social Studies wk 9 Assessment Fri Oct 4th Blessing of the Animals Mass @ 11am Spelling Test Reading Comprehension Test 12:30pm Dismissal Sat Oct 5th Oktoberfest @ Hunter Farms Pumpkin Patch 6-9pm I still have Oktoberfest tickets available for $35. Hope you're all able to attend! It's a super fun event and all proceeds go towards School Safety Projects!! Religion- Chapter 6 Review/discuss and correct. Start Chapter 7 The Commandments and the Beatitudes. We will also be praying the rosary this week. Math- Multiplication Review. Students need to practice their times tables everyday!! They were quizzed last week on Subtraction/addition. You will see their scores on Fri. I will also be quizzing them on Multiplication to see where they are at. We will also be revisiting the lesson on Multiples. Language Arts- We will be reviewing/studying for our reading comprehension test on our story from last week, "The Power of WOW." Read a story on Fundraising in our Close Readers. Grammar tests will cover sentence fragments and run ons. Lessons will also cover prefixes non-, miss- . Please make sure they study their vocabulary and spelling words. Writing- Introducing a fictional narrative and prewrite with a story map. Social Studies- Week 9 California Indians in the Mountains. Crossword puzzle, Think & Review, worksheet, and continue our lesson on our chromebooks California Native Peoples & Missions. Week 9 Assessment on Thurs. Science- Review Lesson 1 Chapter 3 Living Things Interact and workbook page on Ecosystems. Lesson 2 and workbook page on Energy flow. P.E.- MWF Art- T & Th
*Please email [email protected] with any questions/concerns
Happy first day of Fall!! Thank you to all 4th graders who attended and sang in the choir at our school mass on Sunday at 9am at St Patrick's. The choir did an amazing job, so proud to see so many 4th graders!! Please remember to turn in signed progress reports if you haven't already. We are continuing to improve on completing all of our classwork/homework on time, staying organized, and studying to improve our test scores/grades. As always, homework assignments are circled in their planners. Please sign/check their planners and homework folders everyday. Homework help will be on Tuesday and Wednesday @ 2:30pm. Congratulations to team Thailand! They did an awesome job!! We are so close to our class goal, earning over 200 points last week!! Way to go guys, keep up the good work! ***This week*** Tues 9/24 The Feast of Our Lady of Mercy Fri 9/27 Week 7 Assessment and Spelling Test OLM Oktoberfest is on Saturday, Oct 5th @ Hunter Farms. Contact myself or Lisa Saling for tickets. Religion- Read/discuss Chapter 6 Baptism in Christ. Faith family Activity on Tuesday. Ch Review on Fri. Math- Finish/correct lesson on Multiples. I think it would benefit everyone if we did some extra practice before we move on. So we will be spending this week reviewing adding/subtracting with regrouping, multiplication facts, and division. There will also be quizzes this week, so please make sure they are completing their review homework. Language Arts- Start new story "The Power of WOW." New spelling words, short and long O. New vocabulary words. Grammar lesson on sentence fragments and run on sentences. Introduce/ teach planning a fictional narrative. Social Studies- Week 7 California Indians in the Desert. Think and Review and crosswords puzzles. Desert Indians compare and contrast worksheet. Weekly Assessment on Friday. Science- Start Chapter 3 Living Things Interact. Complete vocab notecards and workbook pages for Lesson 1 and start lesson 2. Have a great week everyone! *Please email [email protected] with any questions/concerns
Please make sure you have looked over and signed progress reports. Also remind students to find any missing assignments and turn them in. If they can't find them, they need to ask me for a copy. If there isn't a grade listed and no missing assignment list attached, the missing assignments were likely turned in after grades were due. There is room for improvement, that's the most important thing. Please continue to make sure they are turning in their class work/homework on time, studying, and trying their best! As always, homework assignments are circled daily in their planners. Keep checking their homework folders, and sign their planners everyday. Our class/test schedule is always listed each week, but a rough test schedule is below: Religion- Chapter Reviews on Fridays Math- Chapter Test around every 3 weeks Language Arts- Spelling tests every Friday. Reading comprehension, vocab, and grammar tests are bi-weekly. We spend 2 weeks on a lesson, so if we start a story, tests will be the following week. Social Studies- Weekly Assessment on Fridays Science- Chapter tests around every 3 weeks Homework help will be on Tuesday and Wednesday @ 2:30pm Congratulations to team China! They won for the 2nd time!! Way to go and keep up the good work! New seating chart/groups started on Monday. Let's reach our class goal of 300 points!! ***This week*** Wed 9/18 - Patriot Art challenge poster due Thurs 9/19- All school Mass @ 8:15am- Mrs. Elam's class Vocabulary & Grammar Test Social Studies weekly assessment Fri 9/20- Spelling Test Reading Comprehension Test "My Librarian is a Camel." Chapter 2 Science Test "Plant Growth and Adaptations." Religion- Chapter 5 Review, Jesus, the Image of God. Activity and correct in class Math- Finish extra practice on Factors and start section on Multiples. Language Arts- All school write on Tues. Reread the story "My Librarian is a Camel." Grammar lesson on split quotations and quotations from text. Narrative writing prompt on dialogue. Revising stories from last week with our reader checklists. Final drafts will be turned in. Review and study for tests! Social Studies- California Indians on the Coast. Think & Review, Crossword puzzles, and handouts. Native Peoples and Missions curriculum on our Chromebooks. Science- Chapter 2- Plant Growth and Adaptations review and correct WB 19 & 23. Vocab/Ch Review game in class. Chapter review assigned for homework. Study! Art- Finish our Patriot Art challenge posters. Will be collected and submitted this week. Make our own multiplication flash cards. P.E.- MWF *Please email [email protected] with any questions/concerns
We are now in our 5th week of school. Students should be well into our routines of writing in our planners, completing all of their classwork/homework assignments, and turning them into our class trays. Please continue to check their homework folders, and check/sign their planners everyday. It is extremely important that students complete all of their homework and turn it in ON TIME! I have been accepting late work for the last month. By the 5th week, students need to be responsible and held accountable. An updated missing assignment list went out again on Monday (last Fri was their first list). If they are unable to find these assignments, they need to ask me for extra copies. It is their responsibility to find/complete their missing assignments. If they can't find it, they can come to me and ask for their missing assignments, complete it, and turn it in. Homework help will be available on Tuesday & Wednesday @ 2:30-3:30pm. Congrats to team New Jersey!! Started out rough but they came in strong at the end of the week for the win!! We are all getting closer to our group goal of 300 points. Keep up the good work!! ***This week*** Fri 9/14 Saint Vincent lunches Progress reports go home Religion- Chapter 5 Active in Faith class discussions/group activities. Chapter Review on Thursday will be collected and graded. Math- Continue with Chapter 2 Factors, Prime, and composite numbers. I know this is a tough chapter for the students, so we are spending more time and doing extra practice. Language Arts- Unit 1 lesson 3. We will be starting a new story "My Librarian is a Camel." New spelling and vocabulary words this week. Students wrote a full story as a rough draft last week. It will be revised and final drafts will be turned in. Narrative writing prompt about writing dialogues. Study Spelling lists for the test on Friday. Social Studies- Week 5 California Indians. We will finally be using our chrome books this week and starting our supplemental curriculum California Native Peoples and Missions. Science- Chapter 2 - Introduce Vocabulary and reading lessons 1 and 2 in class. Section review and worksheets will be done in class and for homework. Art- Start to brainstorm/sketch our Patriot Challenge Art competition. Our theme is Symbols of Justice. We will continue to work on these throughout the week. P.E.- MWF Have a great week everyone! *Please email [email protected] with any questions/concerns.
Hope everyone had a relaxing Labor Day weekend!! It will be a short yet busy week. Please continue to check their homework folders and sign their planners everyday. We added an extra routine at the end of the day. We review what we accomplished throughout the day, which is listed in their planners, and circle our homework assignments. Hopefully this will reinforce to the students what needs to be done for homework, and also allow parents to double check with their homework folders. Listed below are some abbreviations we use in their planners. Students know these abbreviations, but just wanted to list in case we had any confused parents :) RN and CR refer to Language Arts RN= Journeys Reader Notebook ex. RN 21= Reader Notebook pg 21 CR= Close Reader ex. CR 6-8 = Close reader pages 6-8 WB refers to Math and Science WB = Workbook pages ex. WB 9 & WB 21 = Workbook pg 9 and 21 I will also continue to accept late work, and let students know if they have any missing assignments. Homework help will be available on Tues and Thurs @ 2:30pm. Congrats to Team Seattle!! They won our group points competition for the 2nd time!! Way to go!! Keep reaching for our class goal of 300 points in one week!! Our week total was 95 points. ***This week*** Tues 9/3 - Choir 8:15am-8:50am Wed 9/4 - Picture Day Open House @ 5:30pm-7pm Thurs 9/5 - Picture Day Fri 9/6 - All school Mass @ 8:15am 12:30pm dismissal Sat 9/7- International Night. Contact Lisa Saling for tickets. Religion- Chapter 4- The Commandments and the Lord's Prayer. Class group discussions and review vocabulary, share prayer activity. All school Mass on Friday. Math- Chapter 2 Quotients and related multiplication facts with whiteboard review/guided learning in class. Lessons on factors, greatest common factors, multiples, and Least common multiples. Language Arts- Target Vocab review from "My Brother Martin." Complete a narrative story rough draft from our flow charts we did last Fri. Revise/partner proofread. New spelling words. Lesson 2 Reading comprehension/vocab, grammar, and spelling tests will be given on Thurs & Fri. Social Studies- Read together and complete activities for Social Studies weekly. Will continue with our Native People lesson on our chrome books/ in class guided discussions. Weekly assessment on Fri. Science- Chapter 1 and vocab review on Wednesday. Test on Thurs 9/5. Art- Finish all art projects on Tues. Watercolor art for Thurs. P.E.- Wed & Fri |
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