Thanksgiving is almost here! Lots of activities and practices going on this week. We are performing in the Thanksgiving program on Wednesday evening, and the Thanksgiving service on Friday morning. Progress reports went home on Fri. Please make sure to sign and return them this week. Please remind them to complete any of their missing assignments.
Homework help will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. ***This week*** Mon 11/18 Band 4th grade elective class @ 1:20pm Tues 11/19 Faith family shoe box activity Wed 11/20 Quiz on 3 digit by 2 digit multiplication (retake) Spelling Test (postponed from last week) Thanksgiving Program @ 6:30pm Thurs 11/21 Grammar Test (postponed from last week) Vocab Test Fri 11/22 Thanksgiving prayer service @ 8:30am Reading Comprehension Test "Coming Distractions" Week 15 Assessment "Rancho Life" Religion- Practice for the Thanksgiving program and prayer service. Shoe box activity with Faith families. Writing activity. Math- Review/reteach Multiplication quiz from last week, 3 digit by 2 digit multiplication. Retake multiplication quiz. IXL Diagnostics on chromebooks. Language Arts- Finish/review story "Coming Distractions." Lesson on Fact and Opinion. Grammar, Vocab, and reading comprehension tests. Make sure they are studying! Social Studies- Week 14 Assessment on Tuesday. Week 15 "Rancho Life." Read together and highlight important facts. Week 15 Assessment on Friday. California Native Peoples and Missions lesson on chromebooks. Science- Continue Chapter 4 "Biomes." Have a great week everyone!
Happy Veterans Day to all our veterans! Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Hope everyone had a nice 3 day weekend. It's going to be a short week. Please make sure your items for the faith family shoe boxes are in this week. 4th grade is to bring 2 hair care items (comb, brush, hair tie, cap for boy or girl). Check your faith family number on the back of the flyer for the age of your child.
Homework help will be on Tues & Wed. ***This week*** Mon 11/11 Veteran's Day Holiday Tues 11/12 Week 13 Assessment Wed 11/13 "Miracle Worker" play @ 1:15pm Fri 11/15 Grammar Test (postponed from last week) Progress reports go home We will be practicing for our upcoming Thanksgiving program next Wed 11/20 and our Thanksgiving prayer service next Fri 11/22. Religion- Journal writing and Star testing. Prayer service practice. Start Chapter 9 "The Holy Spirit Guides Us." Math- Math IXL Diagnostics on our chrome books. 3 digit by 2 digit multiplication. Using a number line to estimate multiplication. Language Arts- Publish fictional narrative final draft. Start new story "Coming Distractions." New Spelling words. Grammar lessons on Main, helping, and linking verbs. Social Studies- Week 14 "Mexico Gains Independence." California Native peoples and Missions on our chromebooks. Science- Chapter 4 "Biomes." Vocab cards and start Lesson 1 and 2. November is here! Please make sure students are staying in their routines, doing their homework, studying, and your checking/signing their planners as usual. It's going to be a busy week. Last Friday, the students were able to obtain their fun/free day for reaching 300 points!! So proud of them and their free day was well deserved! Keep up the good work!!
Homework help will be Tues & Wed. ***This week*** Please note the Science Chapter 3 Test was pushed out last week due to all our fun activities, Halloween costume contest and party, so I felt they needed more time to prepare. Mon 11/4 Band class 4th grade elective @ 1:20-2:20pm Thurs 11/7 Vocab Test Grammar Test Fri 11/8 Veteran's Day Celebration @ 8:30am. All Veterans are welcome!! Saint Vincent Lunches Reading Comprehension Test Science Chapter 3 Test "All Living Things Interact" Religion- Finish reading Chapter 8 "The Commandments and the Kingdom" Discuss and complete the chapter Review. Math- Continue Chapter 3 lessons on multiplying by a 1 digit number, multiplying by a 2 digit number, and last a 3 digit by a 2 digit number. Review flash cards, memorize multiplication times tables! Language Arts- Continue discussing our story/play from last week "Invasion from Mars." They will be writing a summary of the story as well. New spelling words/worksheet. Review Vocab, grammar lessons on action verbs, main and helping verbs, and linking verbs. Continue fictional narrative rough draft and final draft using story maps. Social Studies- Week 12 "Presidios and Pueblos" read and highlight important facts. Crossword puzzle, and Think and Review questions. Week 12 Assessment on Friday. Science- Study/review Chapter 3 "All Living Things Interact." Vocab card game, Jeopardy review game, and please make sure they study!! |
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May 2020
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