The children have been extremely busy getting prepared for our Thanksgiving Preschool Feast and parade! We as a class will be dressed up as Native Americans and will join Mrs. Irma's class, who will be dressed up as the pilgrims, for our feast! The children are very excited for this event! Thank you for all your donations for our feast.
Social and Emotional: Review Clifford: Good Thanksgiving Manners Letters: X, Y, Z Prayer: Guardian Angel ***Important Dates 11/20: November Birthdays 11/21: Preschool Annual Thanksgiving Feast 11/22: Thanksgiving Prayer Auditorium 8:15 am 11/25-11/29: School Closed I want to share how grateful I am for all of the families and friends at OLM, during our break I will be thinking of you all and hope you all enjoy your time with your families! We will be back at it on December 2nd! Please know my door is always opened for questions or concerns. Blessings to you all! Mrs. Donavan
November is already moving quickly! I do hope everyone enjoyed their 3 day weekend with family and to celebrating all our Veterans, to remember how grateful we are for all of their services and what they have given to our country. The children all made cards to give out to the Veterans on Friday, as a class we all enjoyed showing our appreciation and gratitude. Social and Emotional: Strong Feelings Clifford: Season to Be Thankful Letters: X, Y, Z Prayer: Our Father ***Important Dates 11/20: November Birthdays 11/21: Preschool Annual Thanksgiving Feast 11/22: Thanksgiving Prayer Auditorium 8:15 am 11/25-11/29: School Closed Our Thanksgiving Annual Feast is right around the corner, our class will be dressing up as Indians and will join Mrs. Irma's class the pilgrims! We are asking for a small donation and it is posted up on the family wall. Please remember to check your child's file box daily, these months are quick and crazy busy, this is my best way to keep up with communication! Please always come to me if you have any questions. Please know how grateful I am for each and everyone of you! Blessings to you all! Mrs. Donavan Parent/Teacher conference went amazing, it was great to have one on one with each and everyone one of you! Thank you to all OLM families for the support of our Halloween party, it was a huge success and I personally can't do it without all of you! We are now officially in November and it's only going to get busier! This month we will be preparing for our annually Thanksgiving feast as well as having the students learn about the first Thanksgiving and why it's important to be thankful for our families, friends and the most important God. Social and Emotional: We Have Feelings in Our Bodies Clifford: Season to Be Thankful Letters: X, Y, Z Prayer: Guardian Angel ***Important Dates 11/01: All Saints Day 11/04: Take out dinner, preschool fundraiser 3:00-6:00 pm 11/08: Veterans Assembly 8:30 am 11/11: School Closed 11/20: November Birthdays 11/22: Thanksgiving Prayer Auditorium 8:15 am 11/25-11/29: School Closed This Monday will be our Trevino's take out dinner from 3:00-6:00 pm, dinners will be available in the back circle, thank you tremendously for this support! Please check your child's box daily, this is our biggest way of communicating and showing what's going on each week. Also, please check your child's extra clothes as our weather has changed. My door is always opened for any questions or concerns! Blessings to you all Mrs. Donavan |
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December 2021
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