Dear Pre-K parents,
We had a really fun time this past week. Please remember to log into Seesaw to see all the fun pictures. They have been having so much fun playing with their spooky boxes. We concluded our theme, My Community, learning about taking care of our community by learning to reduce, reuse, and recycle. We talked about making something out of something else. On Friday, we made Forkys and since the kiddos are all big fans of him, this was really exciting for them. They will take some time to dry so they won’t be ready to travel home for a few days. During this theme, we learned about community helpers and the grand finale was a special visit from Deputy Garcia and his canine Renzo. We were so grateful to be able to do a socially distant visit and see his fancy car. The kids really enjoyed the lights and sirens. A big thank you to Jonah and his family for providing the kids with a special treat. Thank you to all who supported our school drive thru dinner on Friday; the food was so delicious and a great way to support our school. Please remember that this Friday, October 30th, the school will host a drive thru Halloween in the back circle. It’s only $10 per car and another great way to support our school during these difficult times. Picture day for preschool will be on Wednesday, October 28th. Please send in your picture envelope before that day. This week will be a review week for us. We will continue with our ABC bootcamp and learning letters and sounds. We will start out the week with letter T. The kids have such a fun time guessing each day what the silly hat will be. They really are doing a great job and learning to cut better each day. I have a lot of fun Halloween inspired activities planned for the kids this week so it should be a fun time. Please remember that we will not be having a Halloween party in class this year, but we will have two fun days of special snacks. Thank you to all that have signed up to bring something. If you would like to bring a bag of packaged candy or a treat to share with the class, please send it in before Wednesday, October 28th so we can add it to the treat bags. Some children do not attend on Friday, so we will be sending bags home on Thursday. Please remember that in preschool, we do not wear costumes to school. Please remember to send in a jacket for your child to wear as it is getting a little cooler. Also, please remember to apply mosquito repellent before your child gets to school. Looking ahead, the preschool will be closed on Wednesday, November 11 to observe Veterans day. Thank you, Mrs. Veronica
Dear Pre-k families, This week we are in the 3rd week of our theme, My Community. We are learning about people we meet. We will be talking about community helpers that serve in our community like: police officers, firefighters, doctors, mail carriers, etc. We will be making thank you pictures to send out to our community to thank them. We will also be learning about fire safety, and learning how to stop, drop and roll. We will talk about calling 911 in an emergency and having a family plan and meeting place as well as knowing your home address. We will continue with learning letters and sounds of letters Kk - Nn. The children have been making silly hats each day and are really enjoying them. Our nursery rhyme this week is Jack Be Nimble. In our social emotional curriculum, we are learning about when people have the same or different feelings about something. In math, we will be learning about shorter/longer. We will continue learning about the rosary and the prayers of the rosary. This week we are focusing on the Hail Mary prayer. Looking ahead to Halloween, we will celebrate with two special snack days. One will be on Thursday, 10/29 and the other will be on Friday, 10/30. I will post a snack sign up list for both days. Each child will make a small trick-or-treat bag and if you would like to send in a small store bought treat for them to share, that would be okay. Treats are optional. We have 11 students in our class and treats would need to be sent in the week of October 26th. All treats to be shared will need to be sent in by Thursday, 10/29 as some children do not attend on Friday. Please remember that costumes are not to be worn to preschool. If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] Thank you, Mrs. Veronica |
AuthorMrs. Veronica Archives
January 2022
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