HI OLM parents, first week of preschool was a hit! The children learned so much the first week with our class rules, outside rules and learning our class routine and with our Social and Emotional. We are really focused on "eyes are watching, ears are listening, voice are quiet and body calm. Our fine motor journals the children had lots of fun writing in their journals. Mrs. Gaby and I wanted to send out a friendly thought; it is very normal for children to have separation anxiety when getting dropped off in the morning. The best thing you can do is reassure your child that mommy and daddy always comes back, give your a big hug and kiss and let your child know you will be back soon and will see them very soon! We do know it's very hard to leave when your child is crying but please be assured. We have a quiet area for the children when they are needing that extra time and space. We are always reminding them that mommy and daddy always comes back to pick them up. It's usually a quick process and the children bounce right away into routine. Thank you OLM families for all the school supplies for the children's personal boxes. Thank you for signing up for our class snacks. Thank you for your patience with playground, we will be signing in with the teacher's Ipad to sign in and out and we need a full signature for each time you sign in your child and out your child. We will like to add this week we be sending a hand out with instructions regarding the family class book we want to make. Please don't hesitate if you have questions or concerns.
Many blessings to you all Mrs. Irma and Mrs. Gaby
Welcome back OLM parents. It was great meeting all of you at our Meet and Greet on Thursday. We are excited for our first week back. To start off the school week we will be introducing rules and class routine. We will be learning our first prayer Guardian Angel and our Second Step Rule(s) song along with our fine motor journals and on Wednesday we will be reading our first book all about bubbles!
God Bless you all, Mrs. Irma and Mrs. Gaby Hi my OLM families, I can't believe this is our last week of school it went by so fast, I am so thankful for you choosing OLM preschool to be your child's first year of introduction of preschool. I am very proud of each one of my students. We have learned a lot this year, we know that with our faith of God protection over us we can do all things in Christ. My little's have learned a lot; sitting down and staying focused in group time, raising their hands and waiting patiently for their names to be called, learning our Prayers, learning all about Social and Emotional. How we can use our words to communicate in our class, learning how to focus on the listening rules "eyes are watching, ears are listening, voices quiet, body calm". We have been doing a lot of exploring our shapes and colors in the classroom and outside play as well, we have been also reviewing our finger plays! Our Big World curriculum with Clifford; a lot of learning going on, ask your child how do you know it's a fish? Fish swim in the water 2 fishes have fins 3 fishes have a back bone 4 fishes have gills to breathe under water. My children have learned a lot about fishes. This week our prayer is the Guardian Angel. We will continue to talk about the rosary. Birthday celebration for June is this week. We will be reading our favorite books "Rainbow fish" "The very Inpatient Caterpillar" "Sneezy the Snowman" "The Hula-Hoopin Queen" "Carly Sandwhich" "Chicks and Salsa" and "Charlie the Caterpillar". We are going to have fun with our stories this week. Our last day of preschool is May 27th and no school Friday May 28th. Our preschool summer program starts on June 1st. I would like to thank you so much for blessing me with your precious children, they are a blessing to me. God blessings be with you all my OLM families.
With lots of love, Mrs. Irma Hello OLM families, we have been talking about Our Lady of Fatima pray for us. Lady Fatima asks three little shepherd children to pray each month with the rosary. We will continue our to review our social and emotional and reviewing our color(s) and shape(s). Clifford this week is; "How Can You Tell it's a Fish?" Our prayer this week is Hail Mary. I can't believe school is almost over, it went by so fast. We will have our birthday celebrations for May and we will celebrate Molly and our summer birthdays we will celebrate, Ellowyn, Aiden, Dev, Blair and Mrs. Donnie.
Blessings to you all, Mrs. Irma Hi my OLM families, we have been very busy in the class reviewing our I spy shapes and I spy colors, reviewing our finger plays social emotional; how we listen during group time, eyes are watching ears are listening voices are quiet and body calm. This is how we listen during group time. I have a signup sheet for birthday celebrations and our end of the year ice cream social. Clifford my big world it’s about learning the safety rules when it’s hot outside. One is putting sunscreen on to protect us from the hot sun second is drink plenty of water, third is when it’s warm outside go and sit in the shade and cool down and fourth is wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun. Our prayer for this week is Guardian Angel. Last Friday was the crowning of Mother Mary! I would like to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to you all! Mrs. Irma
Hi OLM families, I can't believe we are in the month of May. We will be reviewing our colors and numbers, finger plays; 5 little monkeys teasing Mr. crocodile you can't catch me, Clifford "Whew! The Sun is Hot!". We will continue with our Blessed Mother Mary and counting our blessings for our grandparents! Our prayer; Guardian angel, social and emotional will be reviewing. Thank you God blessings be with you all!
Mrs. Irma Hello my OLM families, we have been busy working on our art canvas. I chose Piet Mondrain, he was famous for his abstract painting using bright and bold colors. Piet also was painting shapes in his abstract paintings with a thick line of black to show square and rectangle in his paintings, I had the children put different sizes of tape on their canvas then I had them choose colors to paint and to use their imagination to create on their paintings and it was a lot of fun. We will continue with our shape; octagon, colors; brown and yellow. We will continue with our finger plays and My Big World Clifford we have been talking about the stages of a caterpillar and turning into a beautiful butterfly as well as Noah's Ark. For Social and Emotional how we can use our listening ears to follow the class rules. Our prayer this week will be Hail Mary. Thank you and have a blessed weekend
Mrs. Irma 4/19: Little Caesar's Fundraiser begins 4/28: April Birthday Hello OLM families, we had a busy week back! We are back on our routine and will continue with God creation. Our prayer; Hail Mary, Social and Emotional: Speaking Assertively, Shape; octagon and Color(s); brown and yellow. We will work on our finger plays 5 little ducks went out to play and Clifford; Creepy Crawler Caterpillars. Thank you all for bringing cleaning supplies I really appreciate it all and for signing up for snacks for the class! We do have a fundraiser coming up "Little Caesar's Pizza" and it will start on April 19th. Thank you and have a great week, blessings to you all!
Mrs. Irma 4/19: Little Caesar's Fundraiser begins 4/28: April Birthday Hello OLM families, I hope everyone had a blessed Easter with their families. So good to be back on our routine I have missed all my little's. We will be talking about Earth Day, God's Creation and Noah's Ark. We will continue with our I spy the colors brown and orange, finger plays 5 little ducks went out to play over the hill and far away, 10 little flowers smiling at me. Our prayer; Hail Mary and Clifford; Plants All Around. I Spy all my little's coming back to school! Have a great weekend blessings always and be safe.
Mrs. Irma 4/12: School Resumes 4/19: Little Caesar's Fundraiser begins 4/28: April Birthdays Hello OLM families, we are in our Holy Week. We will continue discussing about Lent and Stations of the Cross. Our Easter celebration will be on Thursday April 1st and the school will close promptly at 12:30 for Holy Thursday and we will also be closed for Good Friday and for our Easter break! Have a blessed and happy Easter with your families. We will start with our new shape; octagon the color; brown, prayer; Hail Mary. We will continue with our counting and Clifford Big World "Plants Are All Around Us!". We will continue with our finger-plays; Jesus loves me and I have a savior nice and good, Jesus is his name. Thank you for bringing cleaning supplies this week, I truly appreciate all your help. God blessings be upon you all!
Mrs. Irma **Important Dates: 3/29-4/2: Holy Week 4/1: Easter Class Celebration 4/1: Preschool Closes at 12:30 |
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