8th Grade: We are in Holy Week - and I hope your Lenten promises are becoming life-long habits! Calendar: Holy Thursday, April 13: Purple Free Dress 8:15am Prayer Service: Last Supper-Living Stations of the Cross Mini Relay for Life/Bark for Life immediately following 12:30 Dismissal - NO EXTENDED CARE 7pm St. Patrick's Mass of the Last Supper - 25 pts. Extra credit(if no missing work) Good Friday, April 13: NO SCHOOL 12 noon: Good Friday Services at St. Patrick's- 25 pts. Extra credit(if no missing work) Reminders: $3.00 D Street donation due ? of the Day: 4/12: Did you grow and change this Lent as you looked at things to "take on" and things "to give up," and as you found things to be thankful for each day? In your faith journal write a short 5 paragraph essay about your Lenten experience. Use examples from your choices to explain your experience. 4/11: 10 Graduation art photos were due last Tuesday. They are needed ASAP! I hope you have encouraged your parents to join us this Thursday at school in the morning - you did a beautiful practice today - very meaningful! Holy Week, this week, is the most important time in the lives of Christians - I hope you are taking time to thank our Lord Jesus for being our life long role model and asking Him to help our thoughts, words, and actions, our character. [Remember the homeless we are trying to feed like He asked - D Street $] Finally - don't forget your 3 gratitudes as you go to bed tonight - there should be 120 in your Faith Journal by tomorrow - 3x40 days of Lent. A little at a time certainly shows how much we have to be thankful for. God bless you and have a lovely evening! HOMEWORK 8 Religion: 4/12: Easter Sunday Readings $3.00 D Street donation. Continue your gratitude list with the things you've given thanks for (3 each day - with the date) since Ash Wednesday 8 U.S. History: 4/12:Read Ch 15, choose research for the Civil War 4/10: Write "Amazing Grace" facts 8 Physical Science: 4/12: Complete Periodic Table Lab 8 Algebra: Keeler: Mrs. Tyler's Assignments: Mrs. Tyler's BLOG Mrs. Lorenzi's Assignment: Mrs. Lorenzi's BLOG Mrs. Wennberg's Assignments: Mrs. Wennberg's BLOG 7 Life Science: 4/12: Lab: DNA Worksheets 7 World History: 4/11: study the countries of Africa 4/3: Read text p. 319,338-339 RfM Quiz tomorrow; Study the countries of Africa
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July 2020