To all parents, we were told we need to take role each day. Please email me today, if you haven't already, or have your child email to tell me they have checked in for the day. All Catholic Schools in our diocese are closed from March 16th - March 27th. School is set to resume on Monday, March 30th (if everything goes to plan). Until then, we will be doing all our lessons at home. I know this will be an adjustment for students, as we are only used to physically writing all our classwork and homework. Students have been introduced to typing in computer lab, but I know it will still be challenging. I will indicate on each assignment how I would like them to turn it in for credit. All assignments should be completed and if indicated, turned in by the following morning at 8am. Just like everyday when they come into the classroom. All other completed work must stay in their homework folder, ready to turn in when school resumes. The key to being successful during this transition is to treat this just like any other day at school. Please make sure to check the blog everyday, complete all assigned work, and stay organized!! In addition to all their assignments, they have to practice their multiplication times tables/flash cards for 20 mins, and silent read for 20 mins EVERYDAY!!! On Friday, I had each student write down their school email address, as well as my email address in their planners. The standard for each email is first name . last name @ olmlancers.com. They will use this to log into google to access their email, and google classroom. IXL account usernames and passwords should have been emailed to them. Just in case, I will email them again to their email addresses, and to the email that was given to me during conferences. Sign in at https://www.ixl.com/signin/olmlancers. If you do not receive an email from me, please email me so I can resend. I will be monitoring their progress, so please make sure they are able to log in. IXL is designed to help your child learn at his or her own pace. The program is adaptive and will adjust based on your child's demonstrated understanding of the material. All of your child's results will be saved, so you can also monitor his or her progress anytime by clicking on Analytics. I know the kids have been through so much lately, with my absence last week due to my concussion, and now being away from school for 2 weeks -- its going to be an adjustment for them, and myself as well. Please remember to be patient and kind! Should you have any questions/concerns, anything at all, please email me at [email protected]. ***Please tell students to please hold on to their homework passes. They will be able to use them when school resumes. They need these assignment to have a better understanding of each lesson! MONDAY March 16th Math- We started Chapter 5 "Data & Probability" last week, but we will have to pause and pick up when school resumes. This will be a great time to master our times tables!! Please review your flash cards everyday for 20 mins!! Assignment will be IXL- https://www.ixl.com/signin/olmlancers, enter username and password, click Math, and scroll down and complete each category below: B. Addition #1 C. Subtraction #1 D. Multiplication #2 If they finish early, they can continue practicing any of the skills listed under Addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Language Arts- Reread Chapter 13 "Arts and Accusation." Answer the questions below on a separate sheet of paper. Remember to answer in complete sentences and always head your paper: Name Reading Date Chapter 13 questions 1. How did Omri get some fun out of bringing the men to school? 2. What happened in Mr. Yapp's shop? 3. How did Patrick behave toward Omri? How did Omri react? Study Vocabulary words from last week. Please have them write these out on paper, or notecards to help them study. Listed below if they do not have their graded assignment from last week. There will be a Vocab test on Friday, possible Reading Test as well, covering Chapters 7-12. Info to follow on how I will administer, likely google classroom. Infuriate- To make furious, enrage Scornfully- Feeling or showing anger or disgust Coax- To influence by gentle urging, special attention or flattering Oblige- Willing or eager to do a favor Ravenous- Very hungry Ferocious- Fierce, savage Scarce- Not plentiful, hard to find, small amount Raucous- Behaving in a rough or noisy way Incredulous- Feeling or showing disbelief Reverently- To show honor or be very respectful Social Studies- Week 27 "Statehood of California." Read California Becomes a State, Symbols of CA, and Making a Constitution. They can read this out loud, silently, or both! They can underline important facts, just as we do together in class, and circle all important names. Science- We starting Unit B. Chapter 1- "Changes to the Earth's Surface." Write all 16 vocabulary words and definitions. These can be done on binder paper, or notecards, whichever they have at home. Please make sure they complete all 16 words, listed on page B2 under Vocabulary preview. Each word is highlighted through the chapter with its definition, or they can use the glossary in the back of the book. Tell them to keep their vocab cards or binder paper in their homework folders. Please have all work completed by 8am TUESDAY. TUESDAY March 17th Religion In honor of Saint Patrick's Day, please watch the Story of Saint Patrick on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QhyWUizr24&autoplay=1&list=PL58g24NgWPIzvBk2IQVES_xC4WTm6-CDI Click on Show More, and read the story of Saint Patrick from website Catholic.org. Saint Patrick was a humble, pious, gentle man, whose love and total devotion to and trust in God should be a shining example to each of us. So complete was his trust in God, and of the importance of his mission, he feared nothing -not even death. Please read "The Breastplate," Patrick's poem of faith and trust in God below: "Christ be within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ inquired, Christ in danger, Christ in hearts of all that love me, Christ in mouth of friend and stranger." Say a prayer to Saint Patrick today, on his feast day, and reflect on his faith in Christ, and ask to have that same faith during these difficult times. Math- Login at www.ixl.com/signin/olmlancers If you did not practice at all, or master all 3 skills, please continue (or start) on yesterday's and continue on to today's skills listed below: A. Number Sense #1 B. Addition #2 C. Subtraction #2 Reading- Read "The Indian in the Cupboard" Chapter 14 "The Missing Key." Please answer the questions below on binder paper and remember your heading! Listed on Mon if reminder needed. Remember to be as descriptive and detailed as you can. It will help with your understanding and processing of what you have just read. Always remember to answer in complete sentences! 1. What problem did Omri and Patrick encounter when they got home? 2. What did Little Bear do and why? 3. How did Little Bear respond to the consequences of his actions? Writing Prompt- On binder paper, with your heading as below: Name Writing Date Personal Narrative If you had a magical cupboard that could bring anything to life, what object or toy would you choose? Tell me why and what would you do together? Please answer in 6-8 sentences. Social Studies- Read "Creating the Laws," "Where are the Borders," "A Constitution is Born," " What is a Constitution?" and "Rights & Responsibilities." Answer A-L on your studies weekly. Science- Lesson 1 "Changes to the Earth's Surface" The main idea of this lesson is that over time, physical forces are continually interacting to change Earth's landforms. Have this main idea in mind and look for details to support this as you Read pages B6 - B7. As you read, make sure you are able to answer the boldfaced questions. Look back through what you read and re read any vocabulary terms on these pages. Look at each picture and read all the captions. WEDNESDAY March 18th Religion- I ask all of you to please pray the rosary today. The rosary is our most powerful tool because it asks our blessed Mother Mary to be with us and pray for us. Everyday in morning prayer we ask "Our Lady of Mercy, pray for us, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen." We need to come together and ask our blessed mother for her protection and help for our world and everyone in need. Today we will be reflecting on the Glorious Mysteries. Each mystery is listed below. 1. The Glorious Resurrection of our Lord 2. The Ascension of our Lord 3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost 4. The Assumption of Mary into Heaven 5. The Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth If you need help to pray the rosary, you can go online at https://www.catholic.org/prayers/rosary.php There is a video and instructions to read as well. Or you can go on youtube and search pray the rosary as well. We have all prayed the rosary together so everyone will be able to do this. Math- Login at www.ixl.com/signin/olmlancers If you have not practiced at all, or have yet to master all the skills listed previously, please continue (or start) then proceed on to today's skills listed below: D. Multiplication #1 E. Division #1 and #2 Please review or practice any other skills I've listed previously, if you have not mastered them. Your goal is to master all the skills so please keep working and try your best! Language Arts- Read Chapter 15 " Underfloor Adventure" and answer the questions below. You can continue on the same paper you wrote for Chapters 13 and 14, or start a new one it's completely up to you. Please remember to be descriptive and answer in complete sentences. 1. Where did the boys find the key? 2. What danger awaited Little Bear? 3. How did Little Bear react when Boone woke up? Vocabulary terms- Please study your Vocab words. Try just reading the definition and matching the word, or switching and reading the word and matching the defintion. The 10 words are listed under Monday should you need to rewrite them. Not sure exactly how I will be testing, but will be either Friday or Tuesday. Social Studies- Read "Adding States and Local Government," "Why is the US Constitution Important," and "The Bill of Rights." Complete the Crossword Puzzle and section on "How Do I Read Tables?" Science- Read pages B8-B11. The main idea for this lesson is over time, wind and ice can cause weathering of landforms. Look at all the pictures and read all the captions. Answer the questions below on a separate sheet of paper. Please answer the review questions at the end of the lesson on page B11 #1-5 on a separate sheet of paper. Please answer in complete sentences and head your paper. L1 stands for Lesson 1 Name Science Date L1 Review Pg B11 #1-5 student # in right hand corner Please have all work completed by 8am Thursday THURSDAY March 19th I'm going to post the Religion assignment a little later in the schedule, because I would like everyone to join together at 1pm :) Math- Login at www.ixl.com/signin/olmlancers If you have not practiced at all, or have yet to master all the skills listed previously, please continue (or start) then proceed on to today's skills listed below: D. Multiplication #4 and #5 Please review or practice any other skills I've listed previously, if you have not mastered them. Your goal is to master all the skills so please keep working and try your best! You can do it!! Language Arts- Review Chapters 10-15. Go back and flip through each chapter, re-reading important events and details. Make sure you are asking yourself what is the main idea of each chapter, and organize the events in order so that you have a better understanding of each chapter. Study the Vocabulary terms. Either study the same way as Wednesday. Or if you wrote these words on notecards, try flipping them over, Vocab word up, and trying to say the definition. Flip it over to see if you're right. If you're wrong, leave it word side up and move to another word and try again later. Grammar- Read page 88 on Plural Possessive Nouns. Follow the 2 rules. 1. When a plural noun ends with s, just add an apostrophe ( ' ). the boys' pumpkins 2. When a plural noun does NOT end with s, add an apostrophe and s ( 's ) both deer's antlers Read the chart and make sure you are looking at each example. Try to do the Guided practice on your own. Then come back and see if you were correct. Listed below so you can check your own work. 1. two women's canoe 4. these ponies' saddles 2. some deer's tails 5. both mice's cage 3. four authors' poems 6. many coaches' rules Follow the example and complete page 89 #7-20. Will do #7 and #8 as example. Explanation is in italics. All you need to type is what is in green and red. 7. several mice's whiskers does not end with an s, so you add apostrophe s ( 's ) 8. both pilots' duties pilots ends with an s, you only add an apostrophe ( ' ) Do the rest on your own, #7-20 in Google Classroom under Grammar class. I've started the assignment for you, just start filling in your answers. Remember the 2 rules! Religion- Today is the feast day of Saint Joseph. The Pope is calling for a worldwide rosary of the Luminous mysteries at 9pm Rome time, which is 1pm our time. That means, as we are praying the rosary together at 1pm, people all over the world are praying with us! How amazing is that!! You can find this at https://lacatholics.org/ I've listed the Luminous Mysteries below: 1. The Baptism in the Jordan 2. The Wedding at Cana 3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom 4. The Transfiguration 5. The Institution of the Eucharist Let's pray to our blessed Mother Mary with everyone around the world!! Remember the rosary is our most powerful weapon!! Social Studies- Answer the Think and Review questions. Remember to write in complete sentences and make sure you answer every part to each question. Please go into google classroom and type in your answers on the assignment I have started for you. When you are done, click turn in. Science- Complete WB 79 in google classroom. Please make sure you click on the assignment and start typing in your answers. When you are done, click turn in. FRIDAY March 20th It's fun Friday! Today will be a catch up day for all of you since I know some of you are still trying to turn in your assignments and still getting used to Google Classroom. Religion- Since we would normally be listening to the Stations of the Cross, please watch the video I have linked from youtube. If it happens to start 9 mins ahead, please just start from the beginning. Please watch the entire video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F__HqheNLF0&t=311s Math- I only want you on IXL for 20 mins today. I want you continue working on any of the skills I listed this week. Or if you have already mastered the skills (received smart score of 90 or above) then you're free to work on any of the skills listed. Just please make sure you are on for at least 20 mins! Language Arts- All your assignments and instructions are listed in google classroom. Please click on documents I have created and fill in your answers. The classes and assignments are listed below: Reading - "Indian in the Cupboard" Chapter 7-12 review English - Vocabulary Test #3 Please no notes or using the internet! No cheating! Want to make sure you are studying. Writing - Write an expressive paragraph using the 3 prompt questions. Answer the Question of the Day. You will see it marked with a question mark, that's how I will be taking attendance for the day. Social Studies- I took off the 8am turn in time for your Think and Review questions. Please make sure you type in your answers and turn in by midnight tonight. Science- Also removed the 8am turn in time. Due tonight before midnight. Thurs I scanned WB 79 thinking you could type on it. So sorry if that was confusing. I created a doc in Science class titled "WB 79 Answers." You can click on it and fill in all your answers. Email me if you have any questions! Have a great weekend! Miss you all!!!
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